New York Unemployment

Can't reach New York Unemployment? Claimyr connects you to a live NYDOL agent in minutes.

Claimyr is a pay-as-you-go service. We do not charge a recurring subscription.

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Using Claimyr will:

  • Connect you to a human agent at the NYDOL
  • Skip the long phone menu
  • Call the correct department
  • Redial until on hold
  • Forward a call to your phone with reduced hold time
  • Give you free callbacks if the NYDOL drops your call

If I could give 10 stars I would

If I could give 10 stars I would If I could give 10 stars I would Such an amazing service so needed during the times when EDD almost never picks up Claimyr gets me on the phone with EDD every time without fail faster. A much needed service without Claimyr I would have never received the payment I needed to support me during my postpartum recovery. Thank you so much Claimyr!

Really made a difference

Really made a difference, save me time and energy from going to a local office for making the call.

Worth not wasting your time calling for hours.

Was a bit nervous or untrusting at first, but my calls went thru. First time the wait was a bit long but their customer chat line on their page was helpful and put me at ease that I would receive my call. Today my call dropped because of EDD and Claimyr heard my concern on the same chat and another call was made within the hour.

An incredibly helpful service

An incredibly helpful service! Got me connected to a CA EDD agent without major hassle (outside of EDD's agents dropping calls โ€“ which Claimyr has free protection for). If you need to file a new claim and can't do it online, pay the $ to Claimyr to get the process started. Absolutely worth it!

Consistent,frustration free, quality Service.

Used this service a couple times now. Before I'd call 200 times in less than a weak frustrated as can be. But using claimyr with a couple hours of waiting i was on the line with an representative or on hold. Dropped a couple times but each reconnected not long after and was mission accomplished, thanks to Claimyr.

IT WORKS!! Not a scam!

I tried for weeks to get thru to EDD PFL program with no luck. I gave this a try thinking it may be a scam. OMG! It worked and They got thru within an hour and my claim is going to finally get paid!! I upgraded to the $60 call. Best $60 spent!

Read all of our Trustpilot reviews

Ask the community...

  • DO post questions about your issues.
  • DO answer questions and support each other.
  • DO post tips & tricks to help folks.
  • DO NOT post call problems here - there is a support tab at the top for that :)

Juan Moreno

Have you checked if you've exhausted your benefit year? Sometimes if you've been on unemployment for a while (even partial) your benefit year can end and you need to file a new claim.

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Mohamed Anderson

Good thought but my benefit year doesn't end until April 2023 according to my account info.

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Amy Fleming

Did you answer all the certification questions the same way you always do? One wrong answer can put your whole claim on hold.

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Mohamed Anderson

I triple check those questions every time! So paranoid about messing them up.

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Amy Fleming

Smart. The question about "were you ready, willing and able to work" trips a lot of people up.

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NY unemployment certification question: Should I answer "No" to refusing job offers when I didn't receive any? (Week ending 8/29/2021)

I got hit with this weird question on my weekly certification form and not sure how to answer. It asks about refusing job offers during the week ending 8/30/2021, but I didn't get any offers. Just had 2 interviews that went nowhere. Here's what the form asks: "1. How many hours did you work, including self-employment, during the week ending 8/30/2021? Please total the number of hours and: Round up to the nearest whole number of hours. Count only 10 hours for any day you worked more than 10 hours. Use this chart to convert hours into "days" to report." I selected "0 (0 to 10 hours worked last week)" since I didn't work at all. Then it asks: "1a. Did you earn (including earnings from self-employment), more than $604?" I selected "No" since I had no income. The part that's confusing me is question 2: "During the week ending 8/30/2021, did you refuse any job offer or job referral for any reason other than the following?" With only "Yes" or "No" options. I've been truthfully answering "No" since I didn't refuse anything - I didn't even receive any offers to refuse! But I'm suddenly worried this might be interpreted wrong. Should "No" be the right answer when you didn't receive any offers? Or does "No" mean something else in this context? Anyone familiar with how to handle this certification question? Don't want to mess up my claim by answering wrong.

Daniel White

answer NO. these questions are phrased to confuse ppl. also don't stress too much. i accidentally answered one wrong once and called to fix it. they said as long as you're honest about employment status (working or not) the rest can be corrected if needed.

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Selena Bautista

Pro-tip: I take a screenshot of every page when I do my weekly certifications. Saved my butt when they claimed I didn't certify one week and I had proof I did. The system loses stuff all the time.

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Dylan Fisher

Smart!! I'm going to start doing this right away.

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Sydney Torres

THIS!! I do this too and it saved me thousands when they tried to say I didn't report some info that I definitely did!

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Katherine Hunter

Not to hijack your thread but I've been having the WORST experience with ny unemployment. My account got hacked and someone changed my direct deposit info. Been trying to reach them for 3 weeks with no luck. Has anyone successfully gotten through to them lately? I'm desperate.

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Katherine Hunter

Thank you!! Going to try this right now. I'm at my wits end with this whole situation.

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Donna Cline

You can also try calling right when they open at 8am. That's how I got through, but it still took like 20 attempts.

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Harper Collins

Does anyone know if these new hour ranges also apply to PTO hours? Like if I use 8 hours of PTO from my new part-time job, is that still 0 days now?

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Kelsey Hawkins

Yes, PTO counts as hours worked so it would fall under the same ranges. 8 hours of PTO would be 0 days under the new system.

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Owen Jenkins

Does anyone know if there's an email address we can use instead of calling? I've been dealing with the same issues and can't get through on any phone line.

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Lilah Brooks

There's a contact form on their website but they take forever to respond. I submitted one 3 weeks ago and still nothing

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Jackson Carter

Try messaging them on Twitter. Sometimes their social media team is more responsive than their actual support staff ๐Ÿ’ฏ

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Kolton Murphy

Have you tried using the mobile app instead of the website? Sometimes it works when the main site is down. The NY unemployment app isn't great but it might be a workaround for now.

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Aaliyah Reed

I didn't even know they had an app! Will look for it now

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Kolton Murphy

Search for "NY State" in app store - it has multiple services including unemployment. The interface is terrible but at least it works most of the time

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Ezra Collins

Been working in the unemployment system for over 15 years (now retired). Here's what you need to know about dealing with NY unemployment website issues: First, understand that the system is severely outdated - it was built decades ago and only gets band-aid fixes, not real updates. When it's slow, here's your best bet: - Try accessing between 4:30-6:30am or 8:30-10:00pm for fastest response times - Use a desktop/laptop with a wired connection if possible - Only use Chrome or Edge - Firefox and Safari have known compatibility issues - Clear your browser cache completely before attempting - Fill out one field at a time and wait for confirmation before proceeding - If you get an error, wait 30 minutes before trying again (your session may still be active in their system) If all else fails, calling is actually better but nearly impossible to get through. This is where services like can help - they basically automate the calling process to get you connected to a rep. Once you talk to a human, they can usually resolve issues the website can't. Hope this helps someone!

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Victoria Scott

THIS!!! ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† Best advice in the thread

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Jacob Lewis

Thank you so much for the detailed info! Especially the specific time windows - that's super helpful!

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Benjamin Johnson

anyone tryna meet up and protest outside the unemployment office? this is ridiculous that we can't even access basic services we paid into with our taxes

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Zara Perez

I'm down. This has gone on too long!

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Daniel Rogers

You realize that won't fix their servers right? ๐Ÿคฃ

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Mason Davis

i didn't even know this was a thing until i randomly got $940 deposited in my account from the IRS last month. check your accounts, might already be there!

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Victoria Brown

That gives me hope! Did you get any kind of notice before it showed up?

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Mason Davis

Nope, absolutely nothing. Just appeared one day with a weird code on my bank statement. Had to google what it was!

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Mia Rodriguez

Friendly reminder that this adjustment is only for FEDERAL taxes. NY State still taxes all your unemployment benefits. Just don't want anyone to be confused about why their refund seems smaller than expected.

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Victoria Brown

Ohhh that makes sense. I was wondering about that part. Thanks for clarifying!

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NY unemployment payment delayed - 14-day deadline to complete verification after 5 months of normal claims

I just checked my account and noticed my weekly payment didn't come through last week. Then I discovered a notification saying I need to verify my identity through within 14 days or my claim won't be processed. Here's exactly what the notice says: "Your claim for unemployment insurance (UI) or Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) benefits is pending verification of your identity. New York is now using to verify the identity of some UI and PUA applicants. Please visit to verify your identity. This is the only link you should use for identity verification associated with unemployment benefits in New York State. You may use any computer or mobile device to access the services. When signing into the system, you must use the same email address that you used to file your claim for benefits. You must verify your identity within the next fourteen (14) days. If you do not, your claim will not be processed. The sooner you verify your identity, the sooner your claim can be processed." This came completely out of nowhere - I've been claiming since November without any issues whatsoever. I've already been getting payments for 5 months with no problems! The notice continues: "After your identity has been verified by, DOL will automatically continue processing your claim. If you are due benefits, they will be paid to you without the need for any further action on your part. However, for some applicants, there may be other issues affecting your claim. If you have received other DOL questionnaires, please respond to them promptly. Please do not call DOL unless payment has not been issued to you within 10-14 days of your verification process with" It also says "This process replaces the need for you to mail in any documents" and mentions there's some special instructions for non-citizens where they need to send copies of their Permanent Resident Card, Temporary Resident Card, or Employment Authorization Card. Has anyone dealt with this verification before? Why would they suddenly need this after 5 months? The timing just seems really weird and I don't wanna get scammed or anything. The notice says is "a trusted, secure service used by various federal and state government agencies" and directs to for more info and FAQs. Anyone know if this is legit or how long it takes to get paid after doing this verification stuff? I'm worried about missing more payments while this gets sorted out.


This is why im done with new york... moving to florida next month. Their unemployment system actually functions like it was made sometime after 1995 ๐Ÿ˜‚

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really? everyone i know in FL had no issues... maybe its changed recently?

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Gabriel Freeman

FL unemployment pays like $275 max per week lol. Good luck with that ๐Ÿ’€

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Laura Lopez

Did anyone else have problems with facial recognition? It kept failing for me and I had to wait in a virtual queue for 5 hours to do video verification instead. Make sure you try during weekday mornings if possible - wait times are shorter then.

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Noah Irving

I certified at 11pm once and the system was so slow I thought it hadn't gone through. Ended up accidentally certifying twice and my account got flagged for fraud ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ Took forever to fix

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Vanessa Chang

omg what a nightmare! how long did it take to resolve?

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Noah Irving

almost 3 weeks ๐Ÿ˜ญ had to upload all kinds of identity documents and call like 50 times

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Madison King

why do u even wait so late yo? just do it early and avoid the stress

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Maria Gonzalez

I usually do! Just got caught up with family stuff today and time got away from me

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Zoe Walker

Whatever you do DO NOT stop certifying weekly! Even if your benefits end, keep doing your weekly certification. Sometimes there are retroactive extensions or other programs that get approved, and if you haven't been certifying you won't get that money. Takes 5 minutes a week and keeps your claim active in the system.

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Mia Green

That's a good tip, thank you! I'll keep certifying.

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Elijah Brown

Try calling your state representative's office! I was in a similar situation and hitting walls with unemployment, but my assemblyman's office has staff that deal with unemployment issues. They helped expedite my case and got me answers within days instead of weeks.

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Emily Nguyen-Smith

plot twist: maybe u got a job and didnt realize it ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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Brian Downey

LOL I wish! Still searching ๐Ÿ˜…

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James Johnson

if only it was that easy! we'd all be employed in our sleep ๐Ÿคฃ

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Sophia Rodriguez

have you tried logging out and logging back in? sounds stupid but sometimes the payment history doesn't update properly unless you do a full refresh of your account.

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Brian Downey

Just tried that - still nothing showing up. Thanks for the suggestion though!

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