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Has anyone changed bank accounts right before certification and still got NY unemployment deposit on time?

So I just realized I needed to update my direct deposit info for my unemployment benefits. My old bank account is closing this Friday, and I just changed my direct deposit details in the system yesterday (Thursday). I'm supposed to certify this Sunday as usual. I'm freaking out a bit because I really need this money to pay rent that's already late. Has anyone switched their direct deposit info like 3 days before certification and still got their payment on Tuesday like normal? Or am I going to get delayed? The website didn't give me any indication of how long the change takes to process. I'm worried they'll try to send it to my old account and then it'll bounce back and take even longer. Anyone been through this before?

Omar Mahmoud

I've been in the exact same situation last July. Changed my direct deposit on a Wednesday, certified on Sunday, and got my payment in the new account on Tuesday with no problems. I think as long as you update before you certify, you're good.

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Freya Nielsen

Thank you so much! That's a relief to hear. Did you get any kind of confirmation when the change went through?

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Omar Mahmoud

Nope, no confirmation. System just accepted the new info and that was it. The money just showed up right on schedule.

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Chloe Harris

thats weird, when I did mine they sent me a confirmation email. maybe check your spam folder?

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Omar Mahmoud

Maybe they updated the system since I did it 🤷‍♂️ Mine was during all that chaos when everybody and their mother was on unemployment

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Diego Vargas

After weeks of trying to reach someone at ny unemployment about my missing payments, I finally tried this service called Claimyr (claimyr.com). They got me connected to an actual human at NYSDOL in like 20 minutes - talking to an agent got my $ unlocked so fast. They have a YouTube video explaining how it works: https://youtu.be/Rdqa1gKtxuE - best decision I made after wasting days on hold.

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yeah right, another 'miracle solution'... what's the catch? 🙄

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Diego Vargas

No catch - it just connects you instead of you having to call a million times. My issue was way more complicated than OP's but once I finally talked to someone they fixed it in 5 minutes.

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Anastasia Popov

wait hold up - does this actually work or is it just the usual BS? the unemployment phone system is literally hell on earth

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Diego Vargas

It actually works. They call for you and when they get someone, they connect you. Saved me from throwing my phone through a window after trying for 2 weeks straight.

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Sean Murphy

hmm I've been burned by so many of these 'services' before... what makes this different?

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Diego Vargas

What makes it different is it actually gets you through. I was skeptical too but I was desperate after 3 weeks of trying myself. Just sharing what worked for me 🤷‍♀️

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Zara Khan

I changed my direct deposit info on a friday and certified on sunday and did NOT get my payment on tuesday. It took until the following monday. They told me changes to direct deposit can take up to 10 business days to process. Really sucked cuz I had bills due.

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Freya Nielsen

Crap, this is what I'm afraid of. Did you ever find out why it took so long in your case?

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Zara Khan

The lady I finally got on the phone said something about a security hold. Apparently they do that sometimes when banking info changes to prevent fraud.

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Luca Ferrari

This happened to me too. Security hold is standard procedure. They're paranoid about fraud with the direct deposit changes after all that identity theft stuff last year.

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Nia Davis

Ok so heres what happened to me - changed my bank info on a Thursday and got paid the next Wednesday instead of Tuesday. Not too bad. But my friend changed hers and got a paper check instead! The system is seriously random sometimes.

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Mateo Martinez

The NY unemployment system is inconsistent AF. Some people have no delays with direct deposit changes, others get screwed for weeks. Your best bet is to call them directly BEFORE Sunday to make sure the change processed correctly. Don't risk it with rent on the line.

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Freya Nielsen

Yeah that makes sense. But how do I even get through on the phone? I've tried calling like 20 times already. Always get the busy signal or it hangs up on me.

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Try claimyr.com - worked for me when I needed to talk to someone. Got through in under an hour when I'd been trying for days.

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Mateo Martinez

Calling right at 8:00am Monday-Friday has worked for me before. You gotta be ready to dial the second they open.

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Aisha Rahman

Here's what you should know about changing direct deposit with NY unemployment: First, timing matters. The system processes changes in batches, and there's typically a 1-3 day processing period for bank information updates. Since you changed it on Thursday and are certifying Sunday, you're cutting it close but might be okay. Second, the system does sometimes flag account changes for security reasons, which can cause delays of 5-10 business days in some cases. This happens randomly and there's no way to predict it. Third, if your payment doesn't go through to the new account, they'll either try to send it to your old account (which will reject it if closed) or issue a paper check which takes 7-10 days. In your situation, I'd recommend: 1) Contact the old bank to see if they can keep the account open a few more days or redirect any incoming transfers 2) Call NYSDOL directly to confirm your change went through (use claimyr.com if you can't get through - it's the only way I've ever reached a human there) 3) Check both accounts on Tuesday Good luck - the system is frustrating but you'll get your money eventually!

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Freya Nielsen

This is really helpful, thank you! I'll try calling my old bank tomorrow morning. They might be able to keep it open a few more days.

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Ethan Wilson

WTF is with NY unemployment and their stupid banking system?!? It's 2023 and they still can't process a simple direct deposit change without making it a whole ordeal. The whole department is stuck in 1995 I swear 😤

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Yuki Sato

Preach. Their website looks like it was made by a high school computer class in 2001 and never updated.

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Carmen Flores

Have you tried the new portal? It's actually somewhat better than the old one. Still garbage but like... premium garbage lol

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Ethan Wilson

premium garbage 🤣🤣🤣 thats exactly what it is. I'll take your word for it but honestly after fighting with them for 6 months I don't even wanna look at their site anymore

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Andre Dubois

I had this EXACT problem in October! I changed my direct deposit on Thursday and still got paid Tuesday in the new account. I think as long as it's at least 72 hours before certification you're good. Fingers crossed for you!

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I used to work for a bank (not NYSDOL). Direct deposit changes usually take 1-2 business cycles to fully process in most systems. Since you did it Thursday, you're probably ok for a Sunday certification. But there's always a chance of delay.

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Freya Nielsen

Thanks for the insider perspective! That's reassuring. If there is a delay, any idea how long it might be?

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Typically 3-5 business days. But government systems can be slower. If it doesn't hit your new account by Thursday, start calling.

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Zoe Alexopoulos

This happened to me last year and my payment was delayed by 2 weeks! Then I had to call and be on hold forever and they kept transferring me around. It was a nightmare. Hope you have better luck than me.

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Freya Nielsen

Ugh that sounds awful! Do you remember why it took so long in your case?

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Zoe Alexopoulos

They said something about the system flagging it as potential fraud. But nobody could tell me why mine got flagged and other people's didn't. Just bad luck I guess.

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Jamal Carter

Pro tip: Never change your bank info right before you need a payment. Always do it right AFTER you get a payment. Gives the system a full week to process before your next certification. Learned this the hard way.

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Mei Liu

I just went through this in February! Changed my direct deposit on a Wednesday, certified Sunday, no payment Tuesday. Called on Wednesday and found out they MAILED ME A CHECK instead of using my new direct deposit. Took 7 days to arrive. So ridiculous.

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Liam O'Donnell

Same thing happened to me! They automatically default to a paper check for the first payment after you change bank accounts. Makes zero sense.

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Freya Nielsen

Oh great, that's all I need. Did they tell you why they sent a check instead of direct deposit?

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Mei Liu

The person on the phone said it was a "security measure" 🙄 But I've talked to others who didn't have this happen, so who knows!

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Amara Nwosu

omg this is why I just use the debit card they send. direct deposit with ny unemployment is always a nightmare. the card isn't great either but at least you don't have these problems when switching banks.

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That debit card has insane fees though. I lost like $12 just trying to get my money out.

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Amara Nwosu

yeah the fees suck but the peace of mind is worth it for me. plus if you transfer the whole balance to your bank at once instead of multiple withdrawals it's just one fee.

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Giovanni Moretti

If your payment gets messed up and you need emergency assistance while waiting, call 211. They can sometimes hook you up with rent assistance programs that don't take forever. Saved me when my unemployment got delayed for a month last year.

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Fatima Al-Farsi

hot take: the entire ny unemployment system is DESIGNED to be confusing and difficult so people give up trying to get benefits they're entitled to. the banking delays are just part of their strategy 👀

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Dylan Cooper

THIS!!! 💯 They make it complicated on purpose cuz they don't wanna pay out. Same reason they make you jump through 50 hoops to apply.

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Sofia Perez

I don't think it's a conspiracy. It's just old tech run by underpaid government workers who are overwhelmed. Never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence.

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Fatima Al-Farsi

idk man, if they wanted to fix it they could. the fact that it STAYS broken feels intentional to me.

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Dmitry Smirnov

Update us on Tuesday! I'm curious what happens. My money is on you getting it without issues but with all the horror stories here who knows 😬

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Freya Nielsen

Will do! Now I'm nervous after reading all these different experiences. Crossing my fingers!

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