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not falling for another unemployment 'hack'... these never work
no, my solution is stop wasting $ on scams and keep calling DOL until u get thru
So I was about to throw my phone after 3 hours on hold when I tried Claimyr as a last resort. Got connected to a DOL agent within 1.5 hours. Say what you want but it literally saved my sanity and got my claim fixed.
When all else fails... I hate to say it but filing for a hearing sometimes works. Go to your account and request a hearing about your claim. It forces them to look at your file. I waited 5 months of nothing, filed for a hearing, and suddenly got a call from DOL 3 days later apologizing for the delay and fixing my claim on the spot.
I know everyone is saying wait, but I waited and it never fixed itself. Ended up having to go to an actual unemployment office in person to get it fixed. If you can't certify on Sunday, try to get an in-person appointment asap.
This! The offices are WAY less busy now than during covid. You can actually get help in person without waiting 5 hours.
The unemployment system is completely broken and has been for years. I had the same issue. Waited 4 days and it resolved itself. if ur really nervous about it, just call them using claimyr.com and confirm everything is ok with your claim. Thats what I did and the peace of mind was worth it.
if your employer doesnt verify that you werent actually laid off, you might be dealing with this for awhile. make sure you contact ur current/former employer to have them confirm with unemployment that you never lost your job.
That's a good point! I've been at the same job for 3 years, so I'll definitely get them involved.
anyone have a lawyer recommendation who specializes in this kind of stuff? im in a similar situation but might need legal help
Most people don't actually need a lawyer for this. Save your money and follow the steps people mentioned above. The systems are in place to handle it, they're just slow af.
Good to know, thanks. Just panicking a bit and thought I might need legal help.
The NY unemployment system is still broken AF from the pandemic overload. Never seen such a mess. I got 5 different contradicting letters in a 2 week period last time I applied.
just had almost this exact situation. do the idme verification and then CALL THEM. you probly need to talk to a tier 2 specialist. the idme is required regardless of approval status
Thanks, I'm definitely going to do the IDme verification today. But calling them is so hard - been on hold for hours with no luck.
Try claimyr.com - they called for me after I spent literal days trying to get through. Worth every penny to not waste hours on hold.
u should look into if ur identity might have been stolen. theres been a huge spike in unemployment fraud since covid and sometimes they freeze legit claims when they suspect fraud. happened to me.
Oh god I hope not. How would I even check that?
Check your credit report for any weird activity. But really you need to talk to someone at NYSDOL to confirm if that's the issue.
yeah right, another 'miracle solution'... what's the catch? 🙄 i see all these comments about this claimyr thing but has anyone here ACTUALLY tried it themselves?
I used it last month when I was in OPs situation. It works exactly as advertised - they call and wait on hold, then call you when they reach a person. Got my claim fixed that day after weeks of trying myself.
Used it 2 weeks ago. Got connected to an agent in about an hour. My issue was fixed immediately. Prior to that I had spent probably 20+ hours trying to get through myself with no luck.
the answer is YES you need to reenter your direct deposit info BUT also be aware there's a glitch where even if you do that, it might still default to the debit card. I updated my banking info correctly last month and still had to call because they tried to send me a card anyway. Make sure you check your payment method status a day after you update it to confirm it actually saved.
Can confirm - had to re-enter all my direct deposit info with my new claim. Ridiculous but thats how it works. Also make sure you check that the last 4 digits of your account number showing in the system match your actual account after you enter it. The website glitched on me and somehow transposed two numbers which caused my payment to bounce back!
Just checked and thankfully mine seems correct. Weird that the system only shows the last 4 digits tho!
I was in your exact situation last month! When I finally got through to someone (using claimyr.com after regular calling failed for two weeks), they explained that there's a specific process for transitioning between benefit years. Sometimes the system doesn't automatically generate the option to file a new claim if certain conditions are met. The agent was able to override this and help me file a new claim over the phone. Don't wait - the sooner you talk to someone, the less likely you'll have a gap in payments.
I used it back in January when I had issues with my claim. It works exactly as advertised - they call for you, stay on hold, then connect you when a person answers. Beats calling yourself for days.
It's not some magical solution - they just automate the calling and holding process. Still have to deal with the unemployment office yourself once connected, but at least you don't waste hours listening to that awful hold music.
MAKE SURE you have documents ready when you finally get through to someone! They'll want your employment history for the past 18 months, including exact start/end dates and employer contact info. Also have your ID ready. They've gotten super strict about verification since all the fraud cases.
I used to work at the call center (quit 6 months ago). Here's what's probably happening: There's a default override rate in the system that activates if certain fields don't translate correctly between systems. It's supposed to be a failsafe but obviously it's creating more problems. You NEED to talk to a Tier 2 specialist to fix this - regular agents can't access that part of the system.
Am I the only one who finds it completely INSANE that we're all just accepting this broken system?!! In what world is it ok that we can't reach anyone, the system makes errors that cost us money we need for FOOD AND RENT, and we're all just sharing workarounds? The whole thing needs to be rebuilt from scratch!
Welcome to government in America lolol. First time?
😂😭 NOT my first time but somehow I'm still shocked every time by how bad it is
anyone else getting REALLY tired of having to become an amateur detective just to get the benefits we're entitled to? 🤦♂️ the entire ny unemployment system feels designed to be as confusing as possible
preach 🙌 i had to learn more about unemployment law than my actual career just to get my benefits
legit spent more time dealing with unemployment than at my actual job when I had one 🤡
No offense but this is asked like at least once a week here. Search the sub and you'll find tons of answers. But yes, you can get backpay for certified weeks even if you stopped claiming.
Finnegan Gunn
Yo I literally couldn't get through to unemployment for MONTHS about my identity theft issue. Then I tried claimyr.com and got connected to a real person in like 2 hours. They got my case resolved that same day. The agent I talked to said they're dealing with thousands of fraud cases right now so you gotta be persistent.
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Finnegan Gunn
No catch - they just call for you and wait on hold so you don't have to. When an agent picks up, they forward the call to your phone. Saved me like 6 hours of hold music lol
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Ashley Simian
So I called unemployment 37 TIMES last month with no luck. Used Claimyr yesterday and talked to someone in under an hour. Sometimes you gotta try something different when the system is this broken.
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Oliver Cheng
CHECK YOUR MAIL CAREFULLY! When someone stole my identity for unemployment, I almost threw away a letter that looked like junk mail but was actually a tax form for benefits I never received. Also be prepared for this to potentially affect your taxes - you might get a 1099-G form for unemployment income that isn't yours. You'll need to contact NYS tax department to get that corrected too.
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