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I'm soooo confused about NY unemployment rules in general!! My friend got benefits while working part time but when I tried they denied me?? Maybe it depends on who you talk to during the interview?? The whole system seems totally random honestly.
It's not random, but it can seem that way. Benefit eligibility depends on your specific earnings history, why you're not working full-time, and other factors. Your friend's situation was likely different from yours in ways that affected eligibility. The most common reasons for different outcomes are: 1) different base periods used for calculation, 2) different reasons for job loss, or 3) different earnings amounts from part-time work.
my cousin did uber while on unemployment and didnt tell them and got caught they made him pay back like $8000! dont risk it
Definitely not going to risk it after hearing everyone's advice. I'd be completely broke if I had to pay back thousands in benefits!
After trying everything myself, I used that Claimyr service I mentioned and got through in about 15 minutes. The agent told me there was a 'wage investigation' flag on my account even though they'd already sent the determination letter. Apparently the system can automatically send the letter but then put a separate hold on actual payments. Makes zero sense but that's how their broken system works. Definitely worth getting to a real person however you can.
That's exactly what seems to be happening to me! I think I'm going to try your suggestion. It's ridiculous that we have to go through all this just to speak to someone, but I'm desperate at this point. Thanks again for the help!
One last important note: make sure you're still certifying for benefits every week while you wait for this to resolve. Many people stop certifying when they don't see payments, but you need those certifications to get backpay for all weeks once the issue is fixed. Set a calendar reminder to certify every Sunday without fail.
Yes, I've been certifying religiously every Sunday! At least that part I know I'm doing right. Thank you for the reminder though - it's definitely important.
has anyone tried the online message system? sometimes u can get answers there faster than calling
The online message system typically takes 5-7 business days for a response, which isn't ideal for urgent payment issues. In my experience, a phone call is still the most effective way to resolve payment holds, even though it's frustratingly difficult to get through.
UPDATE: I finally got through to someone at NYSDOL this morning! Called right at 7:30am and waited on hold for 1.5 hours. Turns out my account was flagged for a "quarterly review" like some of you mentioned AND because I had logged in from a different device (my tablet instead of my laptop). The agent cleared both flags and said all my pending payments should process within 3 business days. Will update again when/if I get paid. Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions!
That's great news! And unfortunately a very common situation. The system flags accounts for security reasons but then there aren't enough staff to promptly review the flagged accounts. Glad you finally got through and got it resolved!
same thing happened to my neighbor last year when she was in south america for a few months. pretty sure its because ur abroad, their system blocks foreign ips
UPDATE: I was able to get through to someone at NY unemployment! I used the Claimyr service that someone suggested earlier and got connected to an agent within 25 minutes (which is miraculous compared to my previous attempts). The agent confirmed they can mail my 1099-G to my parents' address in New York. They said it should arrive within 7-10 business days. Just wanted to update in case anyone else has a similar issue. Thanks everyone for your help!
Glad you were able to get it resolved! For future reference, you can also request that they email you a PDF version of your 1099-G if you're still abroad when next year's tax season comes around. You'll need to specifically ask for this option as they don't always offer it upfront, but many agents can do this with supervisor approval if you explain your situation.
nice!! thx for updating us. i hate when ppl just disappear after asking for help lol
i got denied after waiting 7 weeks. applying for a hearing now but thats another 2-3 month wait they said. this system is designed to make ppl give up istg
That's my biggest fear right now - waiting all this time just to get denied. Did they give you a specific reason?
they said i didnt provide enough evidence that i was laid off vs quit. even tho i sent them the email from my boss saying they had to eliminate my position!! appealing it now but cant wait months with no income
TIP: Call the TTY/TDD line instead of the regular number. It's 1-888-783-1370. Sometimes the wait is shorter there and they can still help regular claims. That's how I finally got through after two weeks of constant calling. The representative was able to see notes on my account and told me exactly what was holding things up.
I never thought of trying the TTY line. Is that ethical though? Isn't it meant for people with hearing impairments?
You're right, and I actually felt bad about it after. I was just desperate after hundreds of failed calls. The legislative office route is probably more appropriate - that's what ultimately resolved my case.
this happened to my cousin too but she just submitted a new waiver to be safe. said she'd rather do extra paperwork than risk having to pay back $$.
Update from what I heard: NYSDOL is aware of the duplicate waiver emails and they're working on sending a clarification email to everyone affected. But don't wait for that email - if you're concerned, you should still call to verify your status. The new system migration has caused lots of headaches for both staff and claimants.
Thanks for the update! I managed to get through this morning after about an hour of calling. My original waiver was processed and approved, so I can ignore the new email. The representative said they're aware of the issue and working to fix it.
Great! Glad to hear it was resolved. This is a good reminder for everyone that sometimes what appears to be a benefit year ending can actually be a technical issue. Always best to speak with a representative before assuming you need to file a new claim.
Absolutely! And for anyone reading this later - it took me 3 hours of calling but I finally got through around 10:30am. Don't give up!
Sometimes what appears to be a password issue can actually be an account security flag on NYSDOL's end, especially if you've tried multiple reset attempts. Here's what I recommend based on helping several people through similar situations: 1. First, try accessing your account from a device connected to your home WiFi rather than cellular data or public WiFi, as NY's system sometimes flags logins from varying IP addresses. 2. If you have access to your email, request ONE password reset and wait up to 15 minutes for it to arrive (check spam folders too). 3. When you receive the reset email, don't click the link directly. Instead, copy and paste it into your browser's address bar. This sometimes resolves the "token expired" error. 4. If you still can't get in, call 800-833-3000, but use these specific menu options: Press 1 for English, then 1 for claims assistance, then 2 for existing claims, then 5 for "other questions" - this routes you to representatives who can handle technical issues despite not being the official tech support path. If nothing else works, you can request account reverification through their secure message system if you can access it through NY.gov (even if you can't access your unemployment account).
These are great tips, thank you! I hadn't thought about the IP address issue - I've been trying from different devices. I'll stick to my home computer. And that menu navigation sequence is super helpful. Will try that tomorrow morning.
You're welcome! Also, be sure to use the same browser you initially created your account with if possible. Their system sometimes has issues with cross-browser sessions. And if you do get through on the phone, ask them about getting an extension on your certification deadline due to technical issues - they can sometimes grant exceptions for missed certifications caused by account access problems.
UPDATE: Success! I called the 800-833-3000 number at 8:05 this morning and followed the menu options that @UnemploymentHelper suggested. Only waited about 20 minutes and got through to someone who was actually helpful. They reset my password on their end and helped me set up a new one. Also got my account unlocked and was able to certify for this week AND last week (they gave me a retroactive certification due to the technical issues). Thank you everyone for your help!!
That's great news! Glad you got it sorted out. And good to know they allowed you to claim for the missed week - that's not always guaranteed, so you got lucky with a helpful representative.
nice! bookmarking this thread for when it inevitably happens to me again lol
Unfortunately, you generally need to certify for each week you're claiming benefits, even during an appeal or review process. However, you can request retroactive certification for those weeks when you speak to an agent. Explain that you didn't understand you needed to continue certifying after the initial denial. They can often make exceptions for this, especially in cases where there was confusion about eligibility. Make sure to compile a list of all the weeks you were unemployed and available for work since January. The agent may ask you to verify your availability and job search activities for each of those weeks, so be prepared with that information.
Thank you! I'll put together that information tonight so I'm prepared when I finally get through to someone. Fingers crossed they'll allow the retroactive certification.
I've seen the retroactive certification work out for people in similar situations. Just be honest about why you stopped certifying (the denial letter made you think you weren't eligible) and they're usually understanding. Good luck - please update us when you get it resolved!
I really appreciate all the help everyone. Will definitely post an update once I get through to someone and hopefully get this resolved!
Fatima Al-Farsi
One more tip - there's actually an internal guidance memo (Policy Directive 2025-07) that specifically addresses claims older than 6 weeks where the claimant is experiencing financial hardship. Many agents aren't familiar with it since it was only issued in March. You might want to directly reference this policy by name and number when you call. It explicitly states that claims over 6 weeks old can be expedited with documented hardship regardless of the standard 10-week backlog processing protocol.
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Jamal Anderson
Thank you! This is incredibly helpful. I'm going to try calling again tomorrow morning and specifically mention Policy Directive 2025-07 along with my hardship situation. Will update here if I make any progress!
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Jamal Anderson
UPDATE: I took everyone's advice and called again this morning. After trying for about an hour, I finally got through using the Claimyr service that @user3 recommended. It really did connect me with an agent in about 15 minutes! I specifically asked for a hardship exemption and mentioned Policy Directive 2025-07. The agent initially tried to tell me about the 10-week policy, but when I mentioned the directive specifically, she put me on hold to check with a supervisor. When she came back, she said they would expedite my claim due to my hardship circumstances! She said I should see payment within 3-5 business days, including all my back weeks. Thank you all SO MUCH for your help!!
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Mei Wong
That's excellent news! So glad you were able to get your claim expedited. This is a great example of how knowing the specific policies and requesting the right exemptions can make all the difference. Hope your payments come through quickly!
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