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my cousin had to verify his identity again when he changed his bank info so maybe be ready for that just in case
Really? When did that happen to him? Hope I don't have to do that...
If anyone else is looking for this information, you can also update your payment method from direct deposit to debit card (or vice versa) using the same online process. The NY unemployment debit card is now through KeyBank and has fewer fees than the old card system.
the debit card is the worst dont do it!! my friend had his money stuck on there for weeks when there was an issue
UPDATE: I finally got through! For anyone else struggling with this, here's what worked: I used Claimyr (from the suggestion above) and got connected to an agent in about 30 minutes. The agent was able to pull up my account and see that there was indeed a calculation error on my 1099-G. They're sending me a corrected version within 10 business days. The agent also explained that the error happened because I had some weeks where benefits were adjusted retroactively, but the tax system didn't properly reconcile those adjustments. For anyone with similar issues, make sure you mention "retroactive adjustments" specifically when you get through. Thanks everyone for your help!
wow congrats!! thx for sharing what worked!
My cousin had the same problem but with her california unemployment. She spent weeks trying to get it fixed! I told her she should move to NY because our system is actually better than most states lol. At least here you can eventually get someone on the phone! Good luck with your taxes!
Thanks, but I'm not sure NY is any better! I spent almost 3 weeks trying before I got this resolved. Every state's system seems equally frustrating from what I've heard.
wait i just remembered my friend had to do this and she went to the unemployment office in person and they printed it for her right there
That's useful to know! Do you happen to know which office she went to? I'm in Buffalo so hopefully there's one nearby.
she went to the one in brooklyn idk about buffalo sorry
anyone know when they're fixing the phone system??? been having problems for weeks now
According to the NYSDOL Twitter account, they're aware of the phone certification issues and are working on fixes. They estimated mid-March for the complete system stabilization, so probably another 2-3 weeks.
UPDATE: Just wanted to let everyone know my payment came through as normal this morning, so the self-employment question didn't cause any delays. Thanks for all the helpful information everyone!
nice! thx for the update
try calling right when they open in the morning thats how i finally got thru
This is good advice. For anyone dealing with NY unemployment phone issues, their call center opens at 8:00 AM Monday through Friday. Calling between 8:00-8:30 AM gives you the best chance of getting through. Thursday and Friday tend to be slightly less busy than Monday-Wednesday.
UPDATE: I finally got through to someone! I used that Claimyr service and got connected to an agent in about an hour. Turns out when I reported my one day of work, some flag got triggered in the system that put my claim on hold. The agent was able to see that it was just a temporary job and immediately reactivated my claim. She said my payments should resume with my next certification on Sunday. Such a relief! Thanks everyone for your help.
Excellent! Glad to hear you got it resolved. This is a common issue that unfortunately requires speaking with an actual representative. For future reference, anytime you have unusual work patterns (one-day jobs, etc.), it's a good idea to call and speak with someone to make sure your claim stays active.
So happy for you! The system is SO broken. Makes me mad they put you through all this stress for literally ONE DAY of work. At least you got it fixed before rent was due!
This is the SCAM they've been running for YEARS. Call your STATE REPRESENTATIVES about this!! The system is BROKEN and they keep cutting benefits while corporations get BAILOUTS! I went through my entire 26 weeks and ended up having to move back with my parents at 42 years old because the job market is GARBAGE and 26 weeks is NOT ENOUGH time to find decent employment in this economy!
I want to thank everyone for all the helpful advice. I was able to get through to NYSDOL today (used that Claimyr service someone mentioned - totally worth it), and they confirmed everything you all said about the 26-week limit. The agent helped me calculate exactly when my benefits will end and gave me resources for what to do afterward. I've also scheduled an appointment with a career counselor at my local center. Still frustrated with how poorly this was communicated, but at least now I can plan accordingly. Thanks again for helping me understand what's going on!
Glad you got the information you needed! The career counselors can be incredibly helpful, especially with tailoring your resume and job search strategies to today's market. Keep us posted on how things go.
good luck hope u find something soon!
Have you checked if there's maybe an issue with your return? My cousin had this happen and turned out there was a math error. Go to the IRS website and look at your account transcript - it'll show if there's any adjustment or issue flags.
Thank you - someone else suggested checking my transcript too. I'm going to do that right now.
UPDATE: I wanted to thank everyone for their help! I tried the Claimyr service that was recommended here, and it actually worked! I got through to an IRS agent who told me my return was flagged because of a mismatch between what I reported for unemployment and what was on my 1099-G. Once I explained the situation, they were able to process my return. My refund should be deposited within 2 weeks! So relieved!
That's great news! And thanks for coming back to update us - always helpful to know what actually worked. Just for future reference for others with unemployment-related tax issues, always double-check that the amounts on your 1099-G match exactly what you're reporting on your tax return.
congrats man! still waiting on mine 🙄
my roommate said they release payments on specific days of the week depending on last name. anyone know if thats true??
That's partially true. NYSDOL processes initial claims in batches that are sometimes organized alphabetically, but regular ongoing payment processing is based on when you certify, not your last name. The key factor is when your certification is processed, which is why some people see deposits on Tuesdays while others get them on Wednesdays or Thursdays.
UPDATE: The rest of my payments just hit my account this morning! So it was exactly 2 business days after the waiting week payment came through. Thanks everyone for the advice and support! What a relief to finally have this sorted out.
Great news! Thanks for updating the thread. This timing (2 business days) is consistent with what most claimants are experiencing in the 2025 system. For anyone else reading this thread in the future, remember that bank processing times can vary, so don't panic if it takes 2-3 business days after your payment shows as 'released' in the system.
Glad it worked out! Make sure you keep certifying each week at the same time to keep your payments consistent. Sometimes the system gets glitchy if you certify at different times each week.
i got the same problem rn. money shows released on dol website since March 8 but nothin on my card yet. let me know if u figure it out!
Will do! I'm going to try all the suggestions here tomorrow and I'll update with what works.
One more thing to check - log into your KeyBank account online (not just the mobile app) and look for any alerts or action items. Sometimes they place a hold on deposits for verification but only notify you through the web portal, not the app. It's a ridiculous system but worth checking.
Just checked the web portal and found an alert! There's something about 'additional verification required' that wasn't showing in the app at all. I need to call their verification department tomorrow. Thank you so much for this tip!
Great! That's likely your issue then. Call their verification department first thing tomorrow. They'll probably ask for ID verification or address confirmation. Once that's cleared, your funds should be released within 24-48 hours.
Dylan Fisher
Quick update for those following this thread: I completed my extension process successfully, but I learned that the requirements became more strict in 2025. Now they require documentation of at least 5 job applications per week (used to be 3), and they're actually verifying them more frequently. Pro tip: Take screenshots of every job application confirmation page and save emails from employers. NYSDOL randomly selected me for a job search audit during my extension process, and I had to provide evidence for every week I certified.
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Lucas Parker
Thanks for the warning! I've been keeping track of my applications but only doing about 3-4 a week. I'll step it up to 5+ from now on and make sure to save everything!
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Sydney Torres
When I went through this last summer, I had a similar experience where they told me to keep certifying while they processed additional funds. I was worried because I have kids and bills, so I totally understand your panic! In my case, I received a notice in my online message center about 10 days later asking me to verify some information about my previous employment. After I responded to that, it took another week before the extension was approved. So about 2.5 weeks total, and yes, they did backpay for the weeks I certified during the wait period.
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