New York Unemployment

Can't reach New York Unemployment? Claimyr connects you to a live NYDOL agent in minutes.

Claimyr is a pay-as-you-go service. We do not charge a recurring subscription.

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Using Claimyr will:

  • Connect you to a human agent at the NYDOL
  • Skip the long phone menu
  • Call the correct department
  • Redial until on hold
  • Forward a call to your phone with reduced hold time
  • Give you free callbacks if the NYDOL drops your call

If I could give 10 stars I would

If I could give 10 stars I would If I could give 10 stars I would Such an amazing service so needed during the times when EDD almost never picks up Claimyr gets me on the phone with EDD every time without fail faster. A much needed service without Claimyr I would have never received the payment I needed to support me during my postpartum recovery. Thank you so much Claimyr!

Really made a difference

Really made a difference, save me time and energy from going to a local office for making the call.

Worth not wasting your time calling for hours.

Was a bit nervous or untrusting at first, but my calls went thru. First time the wait was a bit long but their customer chat line on their page was helpful and put me at ease that I would receive my call. Today my call dropped because of EDD and Claimyr heard my concern on the same chat and another call was made within the hour.

An incredibly helpful service

An incredibly helpful service! Got me connected to a CA EDD agent without major hassle (outside of EDD's agents dropping calls – which Claimyr has free protection for). If you need to file a new claim and can't do it online, pay the $ to Claimyr to get the process started. Absolutely worth it!

Consistent,frustration free, quality Service.

Used this service a couple times now. Before I'd call 200 times in less than a weak frustrated as can be. But using claimyr with a couple hours of waiting i was on the line with an representative or on hold. Dropped a couple times but each reconnected not long after and was mission accomplished, thanks to Claimyr.

IT WORKS!! Not a scam!

I tried for weeks to get thru to EDD PFL program with no luck. I gave this a try thinking it may be a scam. OMG! It worked and They got thru within an hour and my claim is going to finally get paid!! I upgraded to the $60 call. Best $60 spent!

Read all of our Trustpilot reviews

Ask the community...

  • DO post questions about your issues.
  • DO answer questions and support each other.
  • DO post tips & tricks to help folks.
  • DO NOT post call problems here - there is a support tab at the top for that :)

Jeremiah Brown

Update: I tried again at 11pm last night using Chrome instead of Safari and it worked! Got all the way through the application. For anyone else having this problem, definitely try during off-hours and use Chrome. Thanks everyone for the suggestions!

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Amelia Cartwright

Great news! Glad you got it working. Make sure you set a reminder to certify for benefits weekly once your claim is approved - always on Sunday or Monday for the previous week.

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random question but did anyone elses claim take forever to process? i finally got mine submitted but its been pending for 3 weeks now....starting to worry

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Zachary Hughes

That's actually pretty normal for 2025. Initial claims are taking 2-4 weeks to process right now due to their new fraud detection system. As long as you see "pending" and not "denied," you're still in line. When approved, you'll get all backpay from when you first applied.

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Sophia Long

UPDATE: I finally got through to someone! I tried the Claimyr service that was mentioned and it actually worked - got me connected to an agent in about 25 minutes. The agent confirmed there was a system error that incorrectly marked my claim as having reached the maximum 26 weeks when it had just started. She fixed the error while I was on the phone and said I should receive all my backpay within 3-5 business days. She also said this is happening to quite a few people right now due to some recent system update they did. I'll update again when I actually see the money, but at least now I know what happened and that it's being fixed!

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Charlotte Jones

Glad you got through! It's ridiculous we have to jump through so many hoops just to get what we're entitled to. Keep us posted on whether the money actually arrives.

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Angelica Smith

Great news! This is exactly what I suspected was happening. The recent system update in February has been causing this specific issue for new claims. Glad you got it resolved!

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Sophia Long

FINAL UPDATE: All the backpay hit my account this morning! Six weeks of benefits all at once. Such a relief after all this stress. Thanks to everyone who provided advice. If anyone else is experiencing this "benefits ended" error, definitely get on the phone with them - it's the only way to get it fixed.

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Logan Greenburg

congrats!! must feel amazing to finally get paid! 🎉

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Ella Lewis

One more thing to consider: If you don't qualify for regular UI because you don't have enough recent work history, check if you're eligible for any other assistance programs. Depending on your situation, you might qualify for other types of support while you're looking for more stable employment.

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Hunter Edmunds

That's a good point. Are there specific programs you'd recommend looking into? I'm definitely in need of some assistance while I continue my job search.

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Brianna Schmidt

To answer your question about minimum earnings: for a 2025 claim in NY, you generally need to have: 1. Worked in at least two calendar quarters of your base period 2. Earned at least $3,700 in one of those quarters 3. Total earnings of at least 1.5 times your highest quarter earnings across your entire base period So your part-time work at the end of 2024 might qualify if it meets these thresholds. When you call, ask specifically about whether your recent work history is sufficient for a new claim. And as suggested above, look into other assistance programs like SNAP (food stamps) or HEAP (energy assistance) if you're struggling financially while job searching.

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Hunter Edmunds

Thank you so much for these specific requirements! I don't think I earned $3,700 in any quarter with my part-time work, so it sounds like I probably won't qualify. I'll definitely look into SNAP and HEAP though. I appreciate everyone's help!

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Jayden Hill

have u checked if ur eligible for the Self-Support Reserve adjustment? i think if ur benefits drop below a certain amount they might increase them especially if u have dependents

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Emma Swift

You're confusing unemployment benefits with child support calculations. The Self-Support Reserve is a factor in calculating child support obligations, not unemployment benefits. There is no automatic adjustment to unemployment benefits if they drop below a certain threshold.

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Max Knight

Thanks everyone for the feedback. I just got off the phone with NYSDOL after using the Claimyr service that someone mentioned (which did work really well btw). The agent confirmed exactly what most of you said - my new benefit amount is lower because I didn't have much work income during the base period they used for calculation. She checked all my reported wages and everything is correct. I guess I'll have to adjust my budget to the new reality of $408/week instead of $540. Hopefully I can find a good job soon and not have to worry about any of this anymore!

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Glad you got a definitive answer! And yeah, the Claimyr thing saved me hours of frustration too. Good luck with the job search - that's really the only way out of this weird benefit reduction cycle.

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Grace Durand

did u try logging in with ur ID instead? sometimes that works when the direct login fails. click the green button instead of the regular login.

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Connor Richards

No, I didn't know that was an option! I'll try that right away. Thanks for the tip!

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Connor Richards

UPDATE: I finally got in! For anyone having the same issue - it wasn't anything I was doing wrong. I called using the Claimyr service someone mentioned above, got through to an agent in about 15 minutes, and they confirmed my account had been flagged for "additional security verification" but there was no notification sent to me about it. The agent was able to clear it immediately and I could log in right after. Apparently this is happening to quite a few accounts lately. Thanks everyone for your help!

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Megan D'Acosta

Thanks everyone for the responses! I feel much better knowing I'm not alone with this weird daily certification thing. I'll keep certifying daily and documenting everything until they fix it. I'll try to get through on the phone too, and might check out that Claimyr service if I keep hitting dead ends. Really appreciate all the advice!

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Ezra Bates

Let us know when it gets fixed for you! I'm on day 6 of this nonsense and getting REALLY tired of doing this EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!

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Lily Young

Update on my situation - I went back to work yesterday and it was honestly a nightmare. No masks, people coughing, windows closed. I documented everything and took pictures. Going to my doctor tomorrow to see if I can get a note saying this environment is unsafe with my asthma. Will update on whether it works for unemployment purposes.

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Sophia Carson

Please let me know what happens! My workplace sounds similar and I'm so anxious about Monday.

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Jay Lincoln

After reading through this thread, I want to clarify a few important points about NY unemployment and work refusal in 2025: 1. General COVID concerns are not considered good cause to refuse work under current regulations 2. However, specific, documented health conditions that make a particular workplace unsafe for YOU may qualify for accommodation 3. The process is: - Get medical documentation of your specific health concerns - Request formal accommodation from employer through ADA process - If accommodation is unreasonably denied, THEN you may have grounds to refuse while preserving benefits - Document all communications in writing 4. If you refuse work without following this process, benefits will likely be cut off immediately 5. Appeals are possible but can take 8-12 weeks during which you'll receive no benefits Don't make decisions based on what worked in 2020-2022 - the rules have changed significantly.

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Sophia Carson

Thank you for this detailed explanation. I've made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow and requested the ADA paperwork from HR. Hopefully I can get this resolved before Monday.

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Chad Winthrope

Has anyone here ever successfully appealed a denial? I'm wondering if that's what I'll need to do next if I can't get through on the phone. Is there a specific form or process for that in NY?

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Lauren Wood

Yes, you can request a hearing to appeal a denial. You have 30 days from the date on your determination letter to request an appeal. The form is online in your account under "Forms and Documents" or you can call and request one. Make sure to have documentation ready that supports your case - pay stubs, employment dates, etc. The hearing is usually done by phone with an administrative law judge.

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Wesley Hallow

UPDATE: Finally got through this morning! Called right at 8am and only waited about 25 minutes. The agent said they were using my wrong base period and that I DO qualify! She fixed it right there and said I should see my determination update in 2-3 business days. So relieved! Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions.

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Justin Chang

That's great news! This is exactly why speaking to an actual person is so important with these issues. Glad you got it sorted out!

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Chad Winthrope

You're giving me hope! Going to try the 8am call tomorrow. So happy it worked out for you!

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Kiara Fisherman

I'm so confused about all this unemployment stuff!! I got approved then denied then approved again and nobody could tell me why?? The whole system is just so complicated and the website never works right on my phone. Hope your aunt has better luck than me!

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Paige Cantoni

Update: I talked to my aunt and she logged into her account. Everything looks legit! Her claim information is there with all her correct personal details and work history. The benefit amount matches what she got previously too. Thanks everyone for your help! She's going to start certifying this Sunday and see if the payment comes through normally.

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Nina Fitzgerald

Great! Glad it worked out!

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Kylo Ren

That's excellent news. Just make sure she continues to meet all eligibility requirements and certifies on time each week. The auto-renewal is a newer program, so it's understandable that she was skeptical at first.

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Christian Bierman

Quick update on the Form UI-BPA2025 that was mentioned earlier - make absolutely sure you complete Section 4C correctly. This section requires you to list each specific day you certified for the missing weeks. If you can't remember the exact dates, you can find them in your account under "Certification History." Many back pay requests get delayed because this section is incomplete. Also, after submitting both forms, call again after 5 business days to confirm they were received and are being processed. The system doesn't always send confirmation notifications for back pay requests.

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Makayla Shoemaker

Thank you SO much for this tip! I just downloaded the form and was about to start filling it out. I'll make sure to be super detailed with the certification dates.

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Lucas Lindsey

Just wanted to follow up - did you get this resolved? I'm curious if any of the suggestions here worked for you.

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Makayla Shoemaker

FINALLY got it resolved yesterday! The UI-BPA2025 form was the key - apparently my case was stuck in some weird limbo state. I also used Claimyr to get through to someone quickly after trying for 2 hours on my own with no luck. The agent was able to see both my forms and pushed it through to processing. Money should be in my account by Tuesday! Thanks everyone for all your help!!!

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