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Why is my NY unemployment payment suddenly delayed? Missing weekly deposits for 3 weeks now

Applied for unemployment in May after getting laid off from my retail management position. Everything was going smoothly with payments for almost 2 months, getting around $480 each week deposited directly to my bank account every Tuesday without fail. But starting in mid-July, the payments just stopped coming. I've been certifying weekly like clockwork every Sunday morning, getting the confirmation number each time, but nothing's hitting my account. It's been 3 weeks now with no money. The website still shows my claim as active but under payment history it says "pending" for the last three weeks. I've called the claims center at least 25 times but can't get through to anyone - either get disconnected or stuck on hold forever. My rent is due next week and I'm seriously freaking out because I've already burned through my emergency savings. Has anyone experienced sudden payment delays like this? Any idea what could be causing it or how to get it fixed? I can't afford to wait much longer.

Vanessa Chang

Same boat here. Mine stopped without explanation first week of August. Been certifying every week but stuck on "pending" for 2 weeks now. Called like 50 times and can't get through to an actual human. The automated system just tells me my claim is still active but doesn't explain why $$ stopped coming. Beyond frustrating.

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Madison King

I was in this exact situation last month! Payments suddenly stopped for no reason. Couldn't get through on the phones for like a week. Finally used a service called Claimyr (claimyr.com) that got me a callback with an actual agent. Turns out there was a "verification flag" on my account that nobody bothered to tell me about 🙄 The agent fixed it in like 5 minutes and my backpay hit my account two days later. Best money I ever spent to get that fixed quick - talking to a real person got my payments flowing again. They have a Youtube video explaining how it works: https://youtu.be/Rdqa1gKtxuE

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Julian Paolo

sounds too good to be true... does this actually work or is it just another scam? im desperate but scared to try anything

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Madison King

Not a scam at all! It literally just gets you a callback from a real NYSDOL agent. They stay on hold so you don't have to. When I was in OPs situation it saved me HOURS of frustration.

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Ella Knight

wait for real? how does it work? my payments been stuck for almost a month now and im getting desperate af

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Madison King

It's super simple - you go to their site, pay for the callback, and they dial into the unemployment line and wait on hold FOR you. Then when a human agent finally picks up, they connect the call to your phone. Saved me literally HOURS of hold time.

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Vanessa Chang

omg I'm checking this out NOW. I've been pulling my hair out trying to reach someone 😭

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William Schwarz

THIS IS HAPPENING TO EVERYONE!! The system is completely overwhelmed right now and they're randomly flagging accounts for "verification" without telling anyone. My cousin works for NY unemployment (not customer service tho) and says its a mess internally. They've had massive staff cuts this year but claims are up like 30% from last year.

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Noah Irving

So what are we supposed to do? Just wait and hope they fix it eventually? I have bills to pay NOW 😠

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William Schwarz

You HAVE to talk to a rep. There's no other way around it. The system won't fix itself and the verification flags don't clear automatically. Try calling right when they open at 8am.

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Lauren Johnson

your cousin is right. my friend who was getting payments fine for months suddenly got flagged for "identity verification" with no notification. took 3 weeks to fix.

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Jade Santiago

classic ny unemployment sh*t 🤦‍♂️ they need to fix their broken system. we're real people with real bills not just numbers in a computer

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Caleb Stone

When this happened to me last year, I contacted my state assembly member's office. They have dedicated staff who deal with unemployment issues and can escalate your case. Got my issue resolved in about a week. Might be worth a try if you can't get through on the phone.

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Noah Irving

Thanks for the suggestion! Never thought about contacting my assembly person. How exactly did you reach out to them?

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Caleb Stone

Just google your address + "ny state assembly member" to find yours. They usually have a form on their website for constituent services or just call their office directly. They deal with this stuff all the time.

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Daniel Price

check your mail and email!!! they might have sent you a questionnaire or request for additional documentation. they're TERRIBLE about making these notices obvious and if you miss responding to one, they'll pause your payments. I almost missed mine cause it went to spam folder.

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Noah Irving

Checking now... nothing in my spam folder or physical mail that I can see. But good tip, I'll keep an eye out!

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Olivia Evans

Hey OP, just a thought - did you start working part time or have ANY income during those weeks? Even a single day of work or a small gig can trigger a review if you reported it during certification. When you certify, are you answering any questions differently than before?

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Noah Irving

Nope, nothing has changed. I've been answering exactly the same way each week - no work, yes looking for work, no income, etc.

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Olivia Evans

Hmm, then definitely sounds like one of those random verification flags others mentioned. You're gonna need to talk to a human rep to clear it.

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Sophia Bennett

Look, I've worked with the NY unemployment system for YEARS as an advocate, and here's the real deal about these sudden payment delays: This is almost ALWAYS one of these issues: - Random identity verification flags (most common right now) - System detected a potential conflict with your claim information - Your account got caught in their fraud detection algorithms (even if you did nothing wrong) - They're reviewing your work search activities - A former employer contested something The ONLY way to resolve this quickly is to speak with an actual claims specialist. Regular call center staff often can't help with these holds. Your options: 1. Keep calling at strategic times (8:01 AM, 10:30 AM, or 2:15 PM tend to have slightly shorter wait times) 2. Use a callback service like claimyr.com (many of my clients have used this when desperate) 3. Contact your state assembly member or state senator's office 4. Email the commissioner's office directly (rarely works but sometimes does) Don't wait for it to "fix itself" - it won't. These payment holds are manual flags that require manual review. Document everything, keep certifying weekly, and make getting through to a human your top priority. Good luck and let us know how it goes!

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Noah Irving

This is incredibly helpful, thank you! I'm going to try that Claimyr service today because I can't keep calling hundreds of times with no luck.

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Aiden Chen

This comment needs to be pinned at the top of the NY unemployment reddit 💯

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Zoey Bianchi

The fraud detection algorithms part is so true. My roommate got flagged because she moved apartments during her claim period and updated her address. System automatically thought it was suspicious.

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Christopher Morgan

have you tried messaging them on Twitter? sounds crazy but i got a response within a day when i DMed the official NYSDOL account with my issue (don't include any personal info in the DM tho

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Aurora St.Pierre

My payments stoped for 4 weeks back in June. I finaly got thru to someone and aparently they had sent me a docuent to verify my identity but I never recieved it. The agent resent it right away and I uploaded the docs that same day. Got all my backpay about a week later. You NEED to talk to someone ASAP!!!

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Noah Irving

Urgh that's so frustrating! How did you finally get through to someone? I've been trying for days

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Aurora St.Pierre

I called over 40 times. Started calling at 7:55am and kept hanging up and redialing whenever I got the busy signal. Finally got through around 9:30am but then waited on hold for another 2 hours. Pure hell.

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Madison King

This is exactly why I ended up using claimyr.com - couldn't handle the endless redial game anymore. Let them wait on hold instead!

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Grace Johnson

they might have flagged your account for quarterly review. this happens a lot around july/august because its a new quarter. happened to me last year and i had to verify employment history again. try calling first thing in the morning like 7:59am right before they open.

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Jayden Reed

Honestly it's ridiculous NY unemployment is still such a disaster years after covid. The website is from like 1997 and the phone system is even worse. Meanwhile they have the nerve to send out press releases about how they've "improved the system" 🤡

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Nora Brooks

PREACH!!! 👏 i swear they're still running everything on windows 95

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Eli Wang

The whole setup feels designed to make people give up. They make it so hard to get help that people just stop trying. It's intentional.

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Cassandra Moon

Facts. I work in software and that website looks like something I coded in my first CS class 20 years ago lmaooo

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Zane Hernandez

keep certifying every week even while this is happening!!!! when they finally fix whatever the issue is, you'll get all the back payments for those weeks, but ONLY if you certified properly each week.

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Noah Irving

Yeah I've definitely been doing that! I'm not missing a single certification even though the money isn't coming through.

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Genevieve Cavalier

Anyone else notice these payment delays always seem to happen around the end of fiscal quarters? I swear they slow down payments when they're trying to make their budgets look better 🤔

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Ethan Scott

omg I was just thinking this!!! it happened to me at the end of the last quarter too. suddenly "random verification required" 🙄

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Lola Perez

conspiracy theory much? lol but honestly wouldn't surprise me at this point

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Nathaniel Stewart

It's not a conspiracy theory if it's true 👀 government agencies absolutely do this kind of stuff to manipulate their numbers

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Riya Sharma

do u have a new bank account? I changed mine and didnt update the direct deposit info in time and payments got held up

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Noah Irving

Nope, same bank account I've been using since the beginning. Nothing changed on my end at all.

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Santiago Diaz

i had this EXACT thing happen, turns out someone tried filing for benefits using my information in another state. ny unemployment system flagged it as potential fraud and froze my payments without telling me. took 3 weeks to sort out but i eventually got all my back pay.

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Millie Long

Mods should sticky a post about these payment delays because this is like the 15th post about this in the past week. NY unemployment is clearly doing some kind of mass account review right now and tons of people are getting caught up in it.

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did you try the online messaging system? sometimes thats faster than calling. go to your account and click on messages and start a new one. describe your issue clearly and ask for help. they got back to me in 3 days which isn't great but better than nothing.

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Noah Irving

I tried that last week but haven't heard anything back yet. Doesn't hurt to try again I guess.

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