New York Unemployment

Can't reach New York Unemployment? Claimyr connects you to a live NYDOL agent in minutes.

Claimyr is a pay-as-you-go service. We do not charge a recurring subscription.

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Using Claimyr will:

  • Connect you to a human agent at the NYDOL
  • Skip the long phone menu
  • Call the correct department
  • Redial until on hold
  • Forward a call to your phone with reduced hold time
  • Give you free callbacks if the NYDOL drops your call

If I could give 10 stars I would

If I could give 10 stars I would If I could give 10 stars I would Such an amazing service so needed during the times when EDD almost never picks up Claimyr gets me on the phone with EDD every time without fail faster. A much needed service without Claimyr I would have never received the payment I needed to support me during my postpartum recovery. Thank you so much Claimyr!

Really made a difference

Really made a difference, save me time and energy from going to a local office for making the call.

Worth not wasting your time calling for hours.

Was a bit nervous or untrusting at first, but my calls went thru. First time the wait was a bit long but their customer chat line on their page was helpful and put me at ease that I would receive my call. Today my call dropped because of EDD and Claimyr heard my concern on the same chat and another call was made within the hour.

An incredibly helpful service

An incredibly helpful service! Got me connected to a CA EDD agent without major hassle (outside of EDD's agents dropping calls – which Claimyr has free protection for). If you need to file a new claim and can't do it online, pay the $ to Claimyr to get the process started. Absolutely worth it!

Consistent,frustration free, quality Service.

Used this service a couple times now. Before I'd call 200 times in less than a weak frustrated as can be. But using claimyr with a couple hours of waiting i was on the line with an representative or on hold. Dropped a couple times but each reconnected not long after and was mission accomplished, thanks to Claimyr.

IT WORKS!! Not a scam!

I tried for weeks to get thru to EDD PFL program with no luck. I gave this a try thinking it may be a scam. OMG! It worked and They got thru within an hour and my claim is going to finally get paid!! I upgraded to the $60 call. Best $60 spent!

Read all of our Trustpilot reviews

Ask the community...

  • DO post questions about your issues.
  • DO answer questions and support each other.
  • DO post tips & tricks to help folks.
  • DO NOT post call problems here - there is a support tab at the top for that :)

Can I verify my NY unemployment identity by mailing documents instead of using

I'm trying to complete my NY unemployment claim but I'm really uncomfortable with the verification process. The website keeps asking for my personal documents and a video selfie which feels really invasive. Is there any alternative way to verify my identity with NYSDOL? Can I mail in physical copies of my documents instead of uploading them to this third-party site? Has anyone successfully verified their identity without using I've been trying to call the unemployment office for days but can't get through to an actual person.

Carmen Sanchez

my freind tried the paper way in febuary and still hasnt got aproved but my other friend used and got money in like a week so just saying

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Mateo Gonzalez

Update: I decided to try calling using that Claimyr service, and I actually got through to a real person at NYSDOL! The agent confirmed I can use the paper verification process and is sending me the forms. She said it will take about 4-6 weeks longer than using, but at least I have the option. For anyone else with privacy concerns, make sure to specifically ask for the "alternative identity verification accommodation process" when you call. Thanks everyone for your help!

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Ethan Campbell

Glad you found a solution that works for you! Just a heads-up that you might want to certify weekly while waiting for your identity verification to be processed. Even though you won't receive benefits until verification is complete, you need to have those weekly certifications on record to eventually get paid for those weeks.

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Mateo Gonzalez

That's great advice - thank you! I wouldn't have known to keep certifying during the waiting period.

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Anna Stewart

my cousin works for nysdol (not in unemployment dept tho) and she says they got a huge backlog after the holidays. like thousands of claims backed up. but 4 months is still too long even with backlog

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Gavin King

That's interesting insider info. Maybe the holidays made it worse, but I applied before Thanksgiving, so I would've thought they'd get to mine before the holiday rush. Feels like my claim just fell through the cracks somehow.

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Nathan Kim

Based on everything you've shared, I believe your claim is stuck in what's called 'adjudication limbo' - where it requires manual review but hasn't been assigned to an adjudicator. Multiple employers plus the holiday backlog are likely culprits. The good news is that once you get through to someone, these issues can often be resolved quickly. Please come back and let us know what works for you - it helps others in similar situations.

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Gavin King

Thank you! I'll definitely post an update once I get this resolved. Going to try the assembly member route first thing tomorrow, and if that doesn't work within a week, I'll try other options. Really appreciate everyone's advice!

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Zainab Ahmed

Here's the exact process based on my experience updating bank accounts with NYSDOL in January 2025: 1. Log into your ID account 2. Go to "Unemployment Services" and select "Update Your Direct Deposit Information" 3. Enter your new banking details (account/routing numbers) 4. The system takes 3-5 business days to process the change 5. You can verify it's updated by checking your payment method in account settings IMPORTANT: I'd recommend waiting until you see your new bank account (last 4 digits) showing up in your payment method before filing your next certification. And definitely keep your old account open for at least 3-4 weeks during the transition.

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Thank you for these detailed steps! I just made the change online following your instructions. I'll wait to certify until I see the new account info showing up in my payment history.

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Connor Gallagher

u ever get this sorted out? curious what happened

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Yes! I updated my bank info online, waited 5 days, then checked my account to confirm the last 4 digits of my new account were showing. Then I filed my weekly certification and got my payment in the new account 2 days later with no issues. Definitely glad I waited to make sure everything was updated first.

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Amara Adebayo

Update on my situation - got another call from DOL today. Turns out my backpay wasn't completely correct. They're adding another $1,610 that was miscalculated based on my base period wages. The senator's office is still helping me sort through it all. So don't just assume everything is fixed with the first call!

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Giovanni Rossi

ur so lucky. wish my senator would actually call me back 🙄

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Dylan Evans

My cousin works at NYSDOL (not in claims processing) and she says they're still super understaffed in 2025. The pandemic backlog never fully cleared and then the new recession hit. They prioritize cases flagged by elected officials because there's accountability there. So going through your senator/assembly member is legitimately the fastest track. The phone system can only handle a fraction of the incoming calls.

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Zoe Papadopoulos

That makes so much sense. When the DOL person finally called me, she mentioned she was from the "legislative liaison unit" or something like that. Seems like they have special teams just to handle cases that come through political offices.

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Landon Morgan

After reading through this thread, I wanted to share what finally worked for me when I was in this exact situation in February. I tried for weeks to get through the regular channels without success. What finally worked was using Claimyr ( to get through to an agent. Once I actually spoke to someone, they identified a system flag on my account that needed manual clearing - took the agent about 2 minutes to fix once I got through. All my pending payments hit my account 48 hours later. Their video demo ( shows how it works. Definitely worth considering if you've been stuck for 8 weeks already.

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Tasia Synder

Thank you for this suggestion. I'm going to try the early morning calls tomorrow as someone suggested, but if that doesn't work I might try this service. At this point I just need to talk to a real person who can actually see what's wrong with my claim.

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Lourdes Fox

Just to add to this discussion - while services like that can help you reach an agent faster, you can also try contacting your state representative's office. They often have dedicated staff who can escalate unemployment issues. It's a free option worth trying if you're having trouble connecting with NYSDOL directly.

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Selena Bautista

Any updates? Were you able to get through to anyone or resolve this?

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Tasia Synder

UPDATE: I finally got this resolved! After trying for days to call with no luck, I ended up using Claimyr to get through to an agent. The agent told me my account had been flagged for "quarterly review" but nobody had actually reviewed it - it was just sitting in a queue. She cleared it manually and all my pending payments were processed within 48 hours. All 8 weeks of back pay hit my account yesterday! Such a relief. Thank you to everyone for the advice and support.

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Just to update everyone - my payment finally came through this morning (Saturday). Seems like they're working through the backlog. Hope everyone else sees theirs soon!

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Tyrone Hill

That's great news! Just checked mine and it's still pending, but hopefully soon.

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Lena Kowalski

nothing here yet. going to try that claimyr thing on monday if nothing changes

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Tyrone Hill

UPDATE: My payment finally came through! Just got the deposit notification. Check your accounts if you've been waiting too.

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DeShawn Washington

Just got mine too! What a relief.

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Mei Chen

this happened to my cousin too but she just submitted a new waiver to be safe. said she'd rather do extra paperwork than risk having to pay back $$.

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Giovanni Colombo

Update from what I heard: NYSDOL is aware of the duplicate waiver emails and they're working on sending a clarification email to everyone affected. But don't wait for that email - if you're concerned, you should still call to verify your status. The new system migration has caused lots of headaches for both staff and claimants.

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Jamal Harris

Thanks for the update! I managed to get through this morning after about an hour of calling. My original waiver was processed and approved, so I can ignore the new email. The representative said they're aware of the issue and working to fix it.

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Hunter Edmunds

I had something similar happen in 2025. Beyond what others have suggested, I recommend contacting these three agencies: 1. Federal Trade Commission - file an identity theft report at 2. Social Security Administration - alert them your SSN may be compromised 3. IRS - submit Form 14039 (Identity Theft Affidavit) Also, keep detailed records of EVERY communication including dates, names of representatives, and case numbers. When I finally got through to NYSDOL, they required evidence of when I first discovered the fraud. Unfortunately, this will take time to resolve - potentially 2-3 months - but being proactive now will save you significant headaches during tax season when you might receive a 1099-G for benefits you never claimed.

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Angelica Smith

This is incredibly helpful, thank you. I've already started a document tracking everything, including screenshots of the emails and the fraudulent claim in my account. I'll definitely file those additional reports too.

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Logan Greenburg

Update??? Did you get this fixed??

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Angelica Smith

Working on it! I filed the fraud report on the NYSDOL site, submitted the FTC identity theft report, and got through to an agent using that Claimyr service someone mentioned above (which actually worked surprisingly well). The agent flagged my account and started an investigation. They said it would take 4-6 weeks to fully resolve but at least the fraudulent claim is now suspended. I also filed a police report yesterday and froze my credit with all three bureaus. Now it's basically a waiting game, but I feel much better having taken all these steps.

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Logan Greenburg

Good for you taking action so quickly!! It took me MONTHS to get everything straight when it happened to me. Freezing your credit was smart - wish I'd done that right away.

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Aisha Hussain

sorry but this happens ALL THE TIME and its why the system is garbage. my cousin works for the state (not unemployment but different dept) and says they DESIGNED it to be confusing so people make mistakes and get discouraged from collecting benefits!!! its not an accident!!!

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Mateo Rodriguez

While I understand your frustration, this is not accurate information. The certification system wasn't designed to trick people. It's simply outdated technology that hasn't been properly updated to include simple error correction functionality that modern websites have. The solution is proper funding for NYSDOL technology upgrades, not conspiracy theories.

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Aisha Hussain

whatever you say but ask anyone who's had to deal with them and they'll tell you the same thing!!

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Anastasia Romanov

UPDATE: I finally got through to someone at NYSDOL! For anyone who has this problem in the future, it took me 15 call attempts spread across two days. The agent was actually super nice and fixed it right away. They put a note on my account that it was an accidental certification error. She said my payment might be delayed by 1-2 days but should process normally. Such a relief!

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Zara Malik

Great news! For future reference (and for others reading this thread), what time of day did you finally get through? I've found that calling right when they open or during lunch hours sometimes has better results.

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Anastasia Romanov

I finally got through at 9:15am. I tried calling right when they opened at 8:00 but it was still busy. Seems like mid-morning worked better than afternoon for me.

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NY unemployment verification page not working - alternative contact methods?

I've been trying to verify my identity through for my NY unemployment claim for the past 3 days, but the verification page keeps freezing or timing out. I've tried different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, even Edge) and different devices but nothing works. Just stuck in an endless loading screen or get an error message. This is so frustrating because I can't proceed with my claim! Does anyone know a direct number I can call to speak with someone about this specific issue? Or maybe a workaround? My benefits are on hold until this gets resolved and rent is due next week.

Roger Romero

UPDATE: I wanted to let everyone know what worked for me in case someone else has this problem. I tried the Claimyr service that was suggested and got through to an agent in about 30 minutes (after trying for days on my own). The agent put a 10-day hold on the requirement so my benefits wouldn't be interrupted. Then I tried the verification again at 1:30am as suggested here and it went through without any problems! Thanks everyone for your help - would have been totally lost without these suggestions.

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Niko Ramsey

Glad it worked out for you! The late-night trick seems to be the most consistent solution for the issues. Hopefully the DOL fixes these problems soon - so many people are dealing with this.

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Seraphina Delan

Good for you but I'm STILL dealing with this nightmare! Been trying for 3 weeks now and nobody will help me!!

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For anyone else facing this issue: the NY DOL just announced they're implementing a fix for the verification system by April 15, 2025. In the meantime, they've published an official workaround document here: The document includes specific troubleshooting steps and alternative verification methods. Always check the official NY DOL website for the most up-to-date information.

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Roger Romero

Thank you for sharing this resource! This will help a lot of people.

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