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One important thing to note: whether you file by phone or online, you still need to CERTIFY weekly by either method. A lot of people file their initial claim and think that's it, but you have to certify every week to actually get paid. You can certify by phone using their automated system at 1-888-581-5812 or through the website. Just wanted to mention this since it's a common issue for first-time filers.
Oh that's good to know! I wasn't aware of the weekly certification requirement. Once my claim is approved, do they send instructions about how to certify? And what day of the week do you have to do it?
Yes, they'll send you instructions after your claim is processed. In New York, you can certify starting Sunday for the previous week ending Saturday. You have until the following Saturday to certify, but I recommend doing it Sunday or Monday to get your payment as quickly as possible. You'll need to report any work/earnings for the week and confirm you were ready, willing and able to work. The process takes about 5 minutes once you get the hang of it.
Perfect, thank you! I managed to get the website working this morning (tried at 6am and it was much faster). Just submitted my claim online. Appreciate all the help everyone!
i work as a bartender and got COVID last year. my friend told me to just apply for unemployment anyway and say i was laid off temporarily but i think thats fraud?? i ended up just eating the lost income and it SUCKED. Couldn't pay my full rent that month. The whole system needs fixing!!!
You're right to be cautious. Misrepresenting your situation on an unemployment claim is fraud and can result in having to pay back benefits plus penalties. It's not worth the risk. The NY Paid Sick Leave law that was expanded would be the proper path for situations like this, as it's specifically designed for temporary illness-related absences.
Thank you all for the helpful responses! I'm going to: 1) Talk to my boss about the NY Paid Sick Leave law they might not know about, 2) Look into disability benefits even though the 7-day waiting period might make it impractical, and 3) Use Claimyr to reach someone at DOL if I can't get through on my own tomorrow. I really appreciate all the guidance - this community is amazing!
Good luck! Let us know how it goes. I'm curious if the sick leave law actually gets enforced in small restaurants. My experience has been that a lot of small businesses just ignore these laws because they know most workers won't fight it.
Yes, NY offers temporary disability benefits through NYS Disability Insurance for short-term conditions. If his doctor expects he'll return to work in a few months, this might be a better fit. The benefit amount is different from unemployment though - 50% of his average weekly wage up to a maximum of $1,147 per week in 2025. His doctor would need to complete part of the application. He can potentially transition to unemployment later when he's able to work but hasn't found a job yet.
disability pays way less than unemployment tho. my cousin got like half what unemployment would have paid. something to consider if money is tight.
Important update for you: If your brother's cancer qualifies as a serious medical condition under NY law, he might also be eligible for NY Paid Family & Medical Leave, which typically provides higher benefits than basic disability. The maximum weekly benefit is $1,482 in 2025. His doctor would need to certify his condition, but it's worth exploring both options to see which provides better benefits in his situation.
Thank you all SO much for these suggestions! I had no idea there were these other options. I'm going to call NYSDOL tomorrow using that Claimyr service to fix the unemployment application errors, but I'll also look into both disability and the Paid Family & Medical Leave tonight. I really appreciate everyone's help!
Quick update from my earlier post - I just remembered that when I finally talked to an agent, she told me that June 2025 has been CRAZY busy for them because they switched to a new payment processing system earlier this month. She said tons of legitimate payments were getting flagged for extra verification because of the system transition. Maybe that's what happened to yours too?
This is accurate information. NYSDOL migrated to the new UIPAY system on June 1, 2025. The transition has caused numerous verification flags on existing claims as the system applies new validation rules to established payments. If your payments stopped right at the beginning of June, this is almost certainly the cause. Unfortunately, these system-generated holds do require agent intervention to clear, even though they're not related to any actual eligibility issues with your claim.
UPDATE: Finally got through today! I used the Claimyr service that someone recommended above and got connected to an agent in about 35 minutes (after spending weeks trying on my own with no success). Turns out my payments were on hold because of that exact system migration issue someone mentioned! The agent could see all three of my certifications were pending in the system, and she manually released them. She said the funds should be in my account within 2-3 business days and apologized for the stress it caused. Thank you everyone for your help and suggestions! That new system migration apparently affected thousands of people but they didn't communicate it clearly to anyone.
awesome!! so glad u got it fixed! the unemployment system is such a mess but at least ur getting ur money now
Great news! For anyone else reading this thread with similar issues: if your payments stopped in early June 2025, it's likely related to the UIPAY system migration. While frustrating, these holds are typically resolved quickly once you reach an agent. Your eligibility isn't actually in question - it's purely a technical validation issue with the new system.
One more piece of advice - while you wait for the appeal, contact your local state representative's office. They often have staff dedicated to helping constituents with unemployment issues and can sometimes expedite reviews. I've seen cases where this cut weeks off the wait time. Just google your district's state assemblyperson or senator and look for a 'constituent services' contact.
This is brilliant! I wouldn't have thought of that. I'm in District 14 so I'll reach out to their office tomorrow. Thank you!
Final update for anyone who might be in a similar situation: My appeal was approved! It took 16 days total. I got through to an agent using that Claimyr service someone recommended (which actually worked surprisingly well), and they explained that the retail job clearly didn't meet the suitable work criteria because it was less than 80% of my previous salary and didn't utilize my education/skills. All my missed payments were deposited today. Thanks everyone for your help - I'm still job hunting but at least I can pay rent while I search for something in my field.
Excellent news! This is exactly how the system is supposed to work. Unemployment insurance exists precisely to give skilled workers the time needed to find appropriate employment rather than forcing them to take any available job. Glad you got it resolved and best of luck with your job search in developmental psychology!
Not sure if this helps but my brother had the same problem last month and he ended up going to the public library to use their computers to file his claim. Most libraries have free computer access if your phone doesn't work out!
That's a great backup plan, thanks! There's a library about 15 min from me. I'll try the mobile site first and if that doesn't work I'll head there tomorrow.
update?? did u get thru?? im having same issue rn
The mobile site worked!!! Had to try twice because it timed out the first time, but second attempt went through. Such a relief. Good luck with yours!
Anybody else notice that the website says "If you received unemployment benefits in 2024, your 1099-G will be available by January 31, 2025" but it's clearly not working for everyone? Classic NYSDOL overpromising and underdelivering!
yup - their definition of "available" is pretty loose lol... technically the forms exist somewhere in their system but good luck actually GETTING one without spending hours on the phone
For anyone still having issues, here's the official process: 1. Primary method: NY.gov account > My NY.gov > Tax Documents > 1099-G 2. Alternative method: Call the dedicated 1099-G request line at 1-877-355-5676 (operates 24/7) 3. Last resort: Submit Form TC-10 (Tax Document Request Form) through your online account If you've tried all these methods and still can't get your form, you have the right to file a complaint with the Taxpayer Advocate Service at 1-877-777-4778. They can often help resolve the issue more quickly. And remember, by law, the department must provide your tax form within 10 business days of a written request.
Thanks for all this info. I managed to find mine in the "My Online Forms" section as someone else suggested. The organization of the website is terrible, but at least I have my form now!
One thing I should mention - make sure you're answering "no" to the question about whether you've refused any work. Some people accidentally answer "yes" to this when certifying multiple weeks at once, and it automatically flags your account for review. If you did this, it would explain the extended delay.
I'm positive I answered all the questions correctly, but that's good to know. I triple-checked everything before submitting because I was worried about making mistakes with the backdate process.
Just wanted to follow up - were you able to get through to anyone? Did any of these suggestions work for you?
Update: I tried calling at 8am sharp but still couldn't get through. Then I tried the Claimyr service someone mentioned above, and it actually worked! Got connected to an agent in about 40 minutes. The agent was able to see that my backpay was stuck in the system due to a "multi-week certification review flag" and they expedited it. Just got notification that all payments should process within 48 hours. THANK YOU everyone for your help!
As a follow-up to my earlier comment, I'd suggest keeping detailed records of all your communications with NYSDOL. Note the date and time of any calls, the name of representatives you speak with, and summaries of what was discussed. This documentation can be invaluable if there are any disputes or delays with your claim. Also, make copies of everything you submit as proof of income.
I'll definitely start keeping better records. So far I've just been submitting things through the online portal without much follow-up. Sounds like I might need to be more proactive.
Zara Malik
btw if u ever need to talk to someone at unemployment and cant get thru, check out claimyr.com - I used it last month when my payments stopped and they got me through to a rep in like 20 min. theres a video showing how it works here https://youtu.be/Rdqa1gKtxuE
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Sean Murphy
I've never heard of that before. If my payment doesn't show up tomorrow I might need it. Thanks for sharing!
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Mateo Perez
is that service legit? seems sketchy to pay just to talk to unemployment
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Sean Murphy
UPDATE: My payment came through this morning! Thanks everyone for the reassurance. I was stressing over nothing.
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Great news! Glad it worked out. For future reference, you can set a weekly reminder on your phone so you don't cut it so close next time.
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