NY unemployment identity theft - someone claimed benefits using my info!
I was shocked to get a 1099-G tax form in the mail yesterday saying I received $12,450 in unemployment benefits during 2022. I never filed for unemployment! I've been working at the same company for 3 years. Someone clearly stole my identity and has been collecting NY unemployment benefits in my name. I immediately called the fraud hotline but kept getting disconnected after waiting 45+ minutes. I tried the website to report it but got stuck in an error loop when submitting the form. I'm freaking out because I don't want to pay taxes on money I never received, and I'm worried about what other damage this person has done with my information. Has anyone dealt with this? How long does it take to get this fixed? Tax deadline is coming up fast and I don't know what to do!
Leila Haddad
omg this happened to me last year! what a nightmare. I had to file a police report first then submit the form on NYSDOL's website about 5 times before it went through. It took almost 4 months to get a corrected 1099-G. In the meantime I had to file for a tax extension. Definitely freeze your credit reports ASAP if you haven't already.
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Eduardo Silva
4 MONTHS??? Tax day is coming up in like 2 weeks! Did you have to pay the taxes first and then get a refund later or what?
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Leila Haddad
Yeah I filed for an extension which gives you until October. The IRS knows this is a big problem so they won't penalize you for it as long as you're trying to resolve it. Keep ALL documentation of your attempts to fix this!
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Emma Johnson
Police reports don't do anything lol. They just file it away. You need to reach the actual unemployment office to get this fixed.
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Ravi Patel
After trying for weeks to get through to ny unemployment about my identity theft issue, I found this service called Claimyr (claimyr.com) and they actually got me connected to a real agent! They stayed on hold so I didn't have to and called me when they got through. Talking to an agent got my $ situation fixed way faster than the online forms. Check out their process here: https://youtu.be/Rdqa1gKtxuE - it was the only way I could talk to a live agent after trying for days.
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Astrid Bergström
sounds fishy tbh. how does that even work? they just call for you?
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Ravi Patel
Not fishy at all - they basically just automate the calling and waiting on hold part. When an actual person answers, they connect you. Saved me HOURS of hold time. My identity theft case got escalated instantly once I talked to someone.
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wait hold up - does this actually work or is it just the usual BS? the unemployment phone system is such a joke i'd try anything at this point
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Ravi Patel
Yes it works! I was super skeptical too but was desperate after trying to call myself for 3 days straight. I got connected in about 90 mins instead of never getting through at all. Best decision ever since identity theft issues can't really be resolved through the online system.
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Omar Farouk
File an identity theft report with the FTC at identitytheft.gov asap. They'll give you a recovery plan specific to unemployment fraud. You'll also need to fill out the NYSDOL's fraud report form AND send them a signed affidavit saying you never applied for or received benefits. This happened to my sister and the whole process took about 2-3 months to resolve. 😫
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Chloe Martin
This is happening to SO MANY people in NY right now. The unemployment system was completely overwhelmed during covid and scammers took advantage. I went through this exact situation in October. Here's what worked for me: 1) File police report 2) File report with NYSDOL fraud unit (keep trying if website errors out) 3) Contact your employer to confirm they never received unemployment claim notices 4) File FTC identity theft report 5) Put fraud alerts on all three credit bureaus 6) Contact IRS to let them know the 1099-G is fraudulent 7) MOST IMPORTANT: actually speak to someone at NYSDOL - I used claimyr.com to get through after trying for weeks The kicker? Even after all this, I *still* had to file for a tax extension because they couldn't fix it in time. But they did eventually send a corrected 1099-G showing $0. Good luck - this entire system is broken but persistence pays off eventually!
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Diego Fernández
I love that we have to pay money (to Claimyr) to fix a problem created by the government that we already pay taxes to fund. The system is beyond broken 🤦♂️
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Chloe Martin
Right?? It's ridiculous. But honestly talking to an agent got my $ unlocked so fast it was worth every penny. I spent 3 weeks trying to call myself before giving up and trying claimyr.
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Eduardo Silva
Thank you for this detailed breakdown. I'm going to start working through this list today. Did you have any issues filing your taxes while this was still being resolved?
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Chloe Martin
Yeah I had to file an extension. When you finally talk to someone at NYSDOL, ask them for a letter confirming your identity theft case is being investigated. You can submit that to the IRS if needed. Don't pay taxes on benefits you never got!
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Anastasia Kuznetsov
Dont bother calling the fraud hotline they never pick up 😤 I had the same thing happen and the only thing that worked was showing up IN PERSON at the local labor office. Bring ID, the 1099-G, and a printout of your credit report. They fixed mine in about 45 days after that.
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Sean Fitzgerald
Most offices don't even take walk-ins anymore since covid. which office did you go to that actually helped?
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Anastasia Kuznetsov
I went to the one in downtown Brooklyn. You have to make an appointment online first but at least you get to talk to a real person.
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Zara Khan
The exact same thing happened to me!! Mine was for $15,800 from last year. I nearly had a heart attack opening that form. Turns out whoever did it had setup direct deposit to some random bank account. Request your unemployment payment history from NYSDOL - they can tell you exactly when payments were made and how they were distributed. That info might help if you need to file a police report.
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Eduardo Silva
How do I request the payment history? Did you have to call them?
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Zara Khan
You can try requesting it through your online account, but since you never created one, you'll prob need to call. That's what I had to do. I used claimyr.com to get through on the phone after trying for days myself.
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they actually show you the bank account they sent the money to? that seems like it would make it easy to catch the fraudster!
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Zara Khan
They just showed the last 4 digits. I gave that info to the police but honestly I don't think they did anything with it. These scammers usually use prepaid cards or temporary accounts.
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Mateo Gonzalez
Literally EVERYONE in my apartment building got fake 1099-Gs this year. It's a massive scam targeting NY. The unemployment office is useless but I finally got mine fixed after I contacted my state representative's office. They have special liaisons who can escalate these cases. Took about 6 weeks after that to get resolved.
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Nia Williams
Ugh I hate to tell you this but I've been fighting this same battle since November. I've sent in multiple forms, called hundreds of times, even got my state senator involved. Still waiting for a corrected 1099-G. The system is completely broken. My accountant told me to file my taxes normally (without the fraudulent unemployment income) and attach a statement explaining the situation. Apparently the IRS is aware of the massive fraud happening.
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Luca Ricci
This is terrible advice. Do NOT file your taxes reporting income different from your 1099s without proper documentation from NYSDOL confirming the fraud. You're asking for an audit.
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Nia Williams
My accountant has been doing this for 30 years and said the IRS has special procedures for identity theft cases. As long as you file an identity theft affidavit with the IRS (Form 14039) it flags your account so they know.
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Luca Ricci
Fair enough, but I wouldn't risk it personally. Better to get an extension and wait for the corrected form.
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Aisha Mohammed
I work at an accounting firm and we're seeing this constantly with NY unemployment. Pro tip: File IRS Form 14039 (Identity Theft Affidavit) along with your tax return and a statement explaining the situation. Also request a PIN from the IRS for future tax filings to prevent fraud. Most important thing is to document EVERYTHING - every call, letter, and form you submit. The IRS will not penalize you as long as you're making good faith efforts to resolve it.
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Eduardo Silva
Thank you! I'll definitely do this. Should I still file for an extension though? I'm worried about trying to get all this documentation together by April 15.
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Aisha Mohammed
Yes, definitely file for an extension just to be safe. It's free and gives you until Oct 15. Just remember an extension to file is not an extension to pay, but in your case you don't actually owe taxes on money you didn't receive.
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Ethan Campbell
I actually got arrested because of this!!! Someone filed for unemployment in my name, then my employer reported that I was working while collecting benefits. Took 3 months to clear my name. Make sure you tell your employer what's happening so they don't accidentally implicate you!
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Eduardo Silva
OMG that's terrifying! I'm calling my HR department right now!
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Yuki Watanabe
wait you actually got ARRESTED?? that's insane! did you sue them after?
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Ethan Campbell
Yeah they showed up at my job with handcuffs. Most humiliating day of my life. I'm in the process of filing a lawsuit but these things take forever. All because NY unemployment never bothered to verify the claim properly.
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Carmen Sanchez
this is why I check my credit report every month now. too many scammers out there. sorry this happened to you OP.
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Andre Dupont
Sadly welcome to the club 😭 The only way I got this fixed was using claimyr.com to get through to an actual person at unemployment. Talking to an agent got my situation fixed in weeks instead of months. They had me fill out an affidavit on the spot and expedited my case since I had my tax deadline coming up.
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Zoe Papadakis
another day, another company promising to fix the unfixable unemployment system lol
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Andre Dupont
Nah for real this one actually works. I was shocked myself. They just handle the hold time so you don't have to sit there all day. When I finally got through to someone, they fixed my identity theft issue right away - turns out they can only do it if you actually talk to someone. All those online forms go into a black hole.
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Had the same problem last year. The corrected 1099-G took 5 months to arrive. What worked for me was contacting my state assembly person - their office had a direct line to someone higher up at NYSDOL. Don't just rely on the regular channels because they're overwhelmed.
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Jamal Edwards
The exact same thing is happening to me right now!! I got a 1099-G for $9,680 that I never received. Been trying to call for weeks with no luck. Has anyone tried the fraud form on the website and actually gotten a response? The form keeps timing out when I try to submit it.
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Ravi Patel
The form is useless. I submitted it 3 times and never heard back. You need to talk to a human. Try claimyr.com - they got me through to a real person after I spent weeks trying myself.
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Jamal Edwards
thanks, I'll check it out. getting desperate at this point! 😫
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Mei Chen
CHECK YOUR BANK ACCOUNTS AND CREDIT REPORTS IMMEDIATELY! This happened to my cousin and they also had opened credit cards in her name. Full identity theft, not just unemployment fraud.
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Eduardo Silva
Oh god I didn't even think of that. Checking everything now.
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Liam O'Sullivan
Here's a weird tip that worked for me: contact your state senator or assembly member. They have staff dedicated to helping constituents with state agency issues. My fraud case was resolved in 3 weeks after my senator's office got involved. Before that I spent 2 months getting nowhere with NYSDOL directly.
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Amara Okonkwo
THIS! 👆 State reps are the secret weapon for dealing with state agencies. They can cut through red tape like magic.
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Giovanni Marino
Can we talk about how BROKEN the NY unemployment system is??? Like how hard would it be to verify someone's identity BEFORE sending them thousands of dollars? The fact that this is happening to so many people is just proof that the entire system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.
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Fatima Al-Sayed
For real. During covid they were so overwhelmed they basically approved everyone and now we're all paying the price with rampant fraud.
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Dylan Hughes
my friend works for NYSDOL and says they know at least 10% of all claims paid during covid were fraudulent. That's BILLIONS of dollars. They just don't have the staff to investigate.
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