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Does anyone know if there are system updates happening? I swear they ALWAYS do these things without warning us. Last time they updated the website I couldn't log in for 3 days! So typical of NY unemployment to just leave us hanging!!!
I haven't seen any official notifications about system updates this week. Sometimes they post notices on the main page before logging in - did you check there?
UPDATE: Just checked this morning and the payment is now showing as pending! Looks like it was just delayed processing. Thanks everyone for your help and reassurance.
Great news! Glad to hear it resolved itself. This is typical - the system sometimes has delays but usually catches up within 24-48 hours.
Mine is showing now too! What a relief, I was up all night worrying!
I'm still confused about something. My transcript shows the credit but NO CODE 846 anywhere after it!! Does that mean they're still processing it? Or did they apply it to some other tax debt I don't know about?? I swear I don't owe any back taxes!!! Is there any way to find out WHERE the money went without spending 5 hours on hold???
If you don't see code 846 after the credit was applied, but also don't see any offset codes (700 series), then your adjustment is likely still processing. The IRS has been taking 4-10 weeks in some cases to fully process these credits. I'd recommend checking your transcript again in a week. If there's still no update, you should contact the IRS directly. Instead of waiting on hold for hours, try using Claimyr (claimyr.com) - it's a service that connects you with IRS agents much faster. I've found their service extremely helpful for exactly these kinds of situations. There's a video demo on their site (https://youtu.be/Rdqa1gKtxuE) that shows how it works.
Update: I found the deposit! It actually came separately from my regular tax refund about 3 weeks later. It was labeled as "TAX REF" on my bank statement so I didn't realize it was specifically for the unemployment tax credit. Mystery solved! Thanks everyone for your help!
Great! Glad you were able to locate it. The IRS doesn't do a great job of making these things clear on the bank statement descriptions. For future reference, the "TAX REF" notation with no additional context is typically how these separate adjustments appear in bank records.
Had the same issue back in January. Got super worried, but checked my bank account 2 days later and the money was deposited on schedule despite the website never updating correctly. The website and the actual payment system seem to be separate sometimes. I wouldn't worry unless your payment doesn't arrive on your usual day.
Thanks, that makes me feel better. I'll wait and see if the payment hits my account on the regular day. Fingers crossed!
Final advice - if your payment doesn't arrive on schedule, don't wait around hoping it will resolve itself. Call immediately. For issues like this, getting ahead of potential problems can prevent weeks of delayed payments. When you call, mention specifically that you received the 'already certified' error message when trying to certify again, as that's evidence your original certification was recorded.
Thanks for all the advice! I used that Claimyr service someone mentioned above and got through to a rep this morning. They confirmed my certification went through fine and said it's just a display glitch affecting some accounts. Payment should arrive on schedule! Such a relief.
I've been trying to complete my identity verification through ID.me for my NY unemployment claim since yesterday and I'm completely stuck. I get to the part where they verify my email and phone number, but then I can't figure out how to get to the section where I'm supposed to scan my driver's license or ID card. The system just keeps spinning or taking me back to the main page. Has anyone else had this problem with the ID.me verification for NY unemployment? I've tried on both my phone and laptop and getting nowhere. My benefits are on hold until I complete this verification and I'm starting to panic!
UPDATE: I followed the steps from everyone here and FINALLY got it to work! The key things that fixed it for me: 1. Used Chrome instead of Safari 2. Cleared my browser cache completely 3. Made sure to scroll ALL the way down on every page (there was indeed a hidden button!) 4. Turned off my VPN The ID.me verification is now complete and my NY unemployment claim is being processed. Thank you all so much for your help! This forum saved me from so much stress.
Excellent! Glad to hear you got it resolved. It's always the little technical details that cause the biggest headaches with these systems. If you don't mind sharing, which step had the hidden button that you needed to scroll for? That might help others who face the same issue.
It was after entering my SSN and completing the multi-factor authentication. There was a page that looked like it was just loading/processing, but when I scrolled down there was actually a blue button that said "Continue to verification" that wasn't visible on my screen initially. Without scrolling, it just looked like the system was hanging!
For anyone else reading this in the future - I found out that if you're getting stuck in an infinite loading loop on ID.me, sometimes it's because your address doesn't EXACTLY match what they have on file from your credit history. Make sure you use the exact same address format as your ID and credit cards.
This is such an important point! I had the same issue because I used "Street" instead of "St" in my address. The system is incredibly picky about these details.
just checked my account and i got my payment this morning even tho i claimed monday this week! so maybe ull still get it 2day?
Oh that's good to know! Just checked my account and still nothing yet, but I'll keep checking throughout the day. Thanks for the update!
To add some clarification: The NYSDOL payment system has specific processing windows. Claims are batched and sent to the payment processor, which then initiates the bank transfer. For most banks, if the DOL processes your claim in Tuesday's batch, it won't appear in your account until Wednesday. If you need to track exactly when your payment was processed, log into your account and check the "Payment History" section. There you'll see the exact date the payment was released, which helps predict when it will hit your bank.
Just checked my payment history and it shows "payment released" for today (Tuesday), so sounds like I'll probably see it tomorrow. Mystery solved! Thanks everyone for your help!
Just so everyone is clear: When the phone system goes silent after saying "do not hang up," your certification is NOT being processed. This is a system error. You need to either: 1. Use the NY.gov website to certify (preferred method) 2. Try the phone system during off-peak hours 3. Try the workaround mentioned above (waiting 2 minutes then pressing 1) 4. Call the main customer service line to speak with an agent The NYSDOL has confirmed this is a technical issue they're working to resolve. Make sure you get your certification completed by your deadline to avoid payment delays. If you miss your regular certification period due to this issue, you'll need to speak with an agent to file for back weeks.
trying to speak to an agent is IMPOSSIBLE!!!! been calling for days!!! how are we supposed to fix this if no one answers??!!
I understand your frustration. The fastest way right now is definitely to use the website if possible. If you absolutely must speak to an agent, try calling right at 8:00 AM when they open, or consider using one of the call connection services that others have mentioned in this thread. I hope you get through soon!
Update: Just wanted to let everyone know that I started using the website for certification and it's been working perfectly. Much easier than dealing with the phone system! My payments have been processing normally. Thanks to everyone who helped with suggestions!
Glad to hear it! The website has been working for me too. They really need to fix that phone system though, not everyone has good internet access.
Great news! The website is definitely more reliable right now. If you ever run into any other issues with your claim, feel free to post again. This community is really helpful!
Just want to update everyone on this thread - I spoke with a NYSDOL rep yesterday about an unrelated issue, and they mentioned they're aware of the CAPTCHA problem. Apparently it's affecting users with certain IP addresses. Their tech team is working on it, but they didn't give a timeline for the fix. In the meantime, they suggested using the mobile app if possible or certifying by phone. Hope this helps!
Thank you for the update! I didn't even know they had a mobile app. I'll download that right now and try it. Really appreciate you coming back to share this info!
Wait, what mobile app? I didn't know NY unemployment had an app. Can you share the name of it? I don't see anything official in the app store.
UPDATE: I finally got it working! After trying literally everything suggested here, what ended up working was using my phone but turning OFF wifi and using cellular data instead. For some reason that made the CAPTCHA appear! I was able to certify for this week. Thank you all for your help and suggestions. If anyone else runs into this problem, try connecting through your cellular network instead of wifi!
This confirms what I suspected - it's related to certain IP address ranges having issues with their CAPTCHA system. Your cellular data connection gives you a different IP address than your home internet. Glad you got it resolved, and thanks for sharing the solution!
awesome! thanks for updating the thread with what worked!
Thank you everyone for the detailed explanations! It sounds like I probably won't qualify based on the quarters and earnings, but I'll apply anyway just in case. I might try that Claimyr service to speak directly with an agent about my specific situation instead of guessing. Really appreciate all the help - this system is definitely more complicated than I realized!
Good plan! One last bit of advice - when you apply, make sure you include ALL employment from the last 18 months, even small jobs or part-time work. Sometimes people forget to include everything, which can affect eligibility. And definitely document all your attempts to contact NYSDOL - screenshots of calls, wait times, etc. This can help if you need to appeal a decision later. Good luck!
That's really helpful advice - I did have a small side gig in late 2024 that I might have forgotten about. I'll make sure to include everything when I apply. I'll let everyone know how it goes!
Not sure if this helps but my brother had the same problem last month and he ended up going to the public library to use their computers to file his claim. Most libraries have free computer access if your phone doesn't work out!
That's a great backup plan, thanks! There's a library about 15 min from me. I'll try the mobile site first and if that doesn't work I'll head there tomorrow.
update?? did u get thru?? im having same issue rn
The mobile site worked!!! Had to try twice because it timed out the first time, but second attempt went through. Such a relief. Good luck with yours!
Oliver Fischer
One more tip if you're still struggling to get through - when the automated system asks why you're calling, clearly say
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Amina Sy
This NEVER works for me! The system just ignores what I say and goes back to the same stupid menu no matter what I try!! 🤬
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