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This is a known issue happening today. According to the NYSDOL Twitter account (@NYSLabor), they're experiencing higher than normal traffic due to the quarterly tax filing deadline coinciding with regular certification activity. They've increased server capacity and expect the system to be fully operational by 6pm today. In the meantime, you can also try the automated phone certification system at 1-888-581-5812 which appears to be working normally.
Oh thank you! I totally forgot about the phone system. I'll try that right now. Really appreciate the update info!
Phone system is even WORSE! I tried it earlier and got disconnected TWICE after waiting 30+ minutes each time!!!
FYI its working for me now just certified 5 mins ago
Just tried again and it worked! Finally certified for the week. Thanks everyone for the help and suggestions!
UPDATE: I used the Claimyr service someone recommended below and finally got through to an agent! They confirmed I was missed in the April cycle due to a processing backlog but have now manually added me to receive payment on April 29th. They said this happens sometimes with eligibility determinations that come through right after a payment cycle. SUCH a relief to have an actual date now!
nice! glad it worked out for you
Make sure you SAVE that agent's information and the confirmation number for the call!!! I've had them tell me things were fixed before and then nothing happened!
Good advice about saving the confirmation number. For everyone's reference, the current NY unemployment CTC payment schedule for 2025 is: - January 15th - February 19th (delayed due to President's Day) - March 18th - April 29th (delayed due to tax filing deadline) - May 20th - June 17th - July 15th If your eligibility is determined within 14 days before any of these dates, you might be rolled to the next cycle unless you specifically contact them to request inclusion in the current cycle.
this is super helpful, saving this info!
Does anyone know if its different if you go to CANADA instead of another state?? I'm planning a trip to Toronto next month and now I'm worried!!!!
International travel works the same way. You can still claim benefits while temporarily in Canada as long as you're maintaining your work search requirements and could return if you received a job offer. Just make sure you have reliable internet access for your weekly certification.
I'm back from my trip and everything worked out fine! I certified while in California on Sunday, answered 'no' to the residence question since I wasn't relocating, and my payment was deposited as normal today. Thanks everyone for the help!
Glad it worked out! This is one of those things that seems confusing at first but is actually pretty straightforward once you understand what they're really asking.
After your forfeit days are used up and you start receiving benefits again, make absolutely certain that your weekly certifications are 100% accurate going forward. The system flags accounts that have had prior issues, and second offenses typically result in much harsher penalties, including permanent disqualification from benefits.\n\nIf you're doing any side work or gig jobs while collecting, report every single dollar. It's better to have your weekly benefit reduced than to face more forfeit days or worse penalties.
That's really good advice, thank you. I'm definitely going to be extra careful with all my certifications going forward. This has been such a stressful experience that I never want to deal with forfeit days again!
Sometimes deleting your browser cookies and trying in a different browser can fix weird system errors. Might be worth a try?
I actually tried that already - Chrome, Firefox, and even Explorer. Same issue on all of them unfortunately. But good suggestion!
UPDATE: I finally got this resolved! Used Claimyr (thanks for that recommendation!) and got through to an agent in about 20 minutes. The agent could see all my failed attempts and said there was a system flag on my account that was preventing the update. She manually removed the flag and processed my direct deposit change while I was on the phone. She said the new info should be active for my next payment. Such a relief!
That's great news! And good to know about the system flag - that seems to be happening to quite a few people lately. Glad you got it resolved before your old account closed.
of COURSE there was a "system flag" - they probably purposely flag accounts just to make our lives difficult! But glad you got it fixed!
has anyone got a partial refund? mine was supposed to be $743 according to my tax forms but i only got $598 deposited. no explanation why it was less.
Check if you had any existing state debts that would trigger an offset. Common reasons include: unpaid state taxes from previous years, child support arrears, unpaid parking tickets, or state university tuition debts. The NYSDOL is required to deduct these before issuing your refund, and they should have sent a notice explaining the deduction to your NY.gov message center.
UPDATE: My refund just posted to my account this morning! For anyone else waiting, I'm in the $45K-$55K income range and filed in early February. Looks like they're definitely working through Batch 2 right now. Thanks everyone for the help and information!
Lucky you! Still nothing on my end. Did they send you an email notification before it showed up or did it just appear in your account?
No notification at all - it just appeared in my bank account this morning. The only reason I knew to check was because of this thread! You might want to keep an eye on your account if you're in a similar situation.
Update: Just checked the NYSDOL Twitter account and they've acknowledged the login issues. They say they're working on it and expect to have it resolved by tomorrow morning. They're also extending certification deadlines by 24 hours for anyone affected by this outage.
Thank you for checking! That's a relief. I don't have Twitter so I wouldn't have seen that update. I'll try again tomorrow morning.
It's working now! Just logged in successfully. Must have been fixed in the last hour.
Oh fantastic! I'm going to try right now, thanks for the update!
IT WORKED! Finally got in and certified. Thank you everyone for your help!
I've been collecting NY unemployment for 2 months now and had a similar issue with my KeyBank card in February. What I discovered is that sometimes there's a security hold if there's unusual activity. In my case, I had tried using the card at 3 different ATMs in one day (because the first two weren't working properly). This triggered some kind of fraud alert. You might want to check if you've done anything that could be considered "unusual" - like trying to withdraw a larger amount than normal, using the card in a different location, or making multiple transactions in a short time. When I finally reached someone at KeyBank (took forever!), they told me the security department had put a hold on my funds. They transferred me to that department who verified my identity and released the money immediately. Hope this helps! The situation is incredibly frustrating, I know.
omg this happened to me too! so annoying.
That's really interesting and could absolutely be what's happening. I did try to withdraw a larger amount than usual last week because I needed to pay rent. I'll definitely mention this when I finally get through to someone. Thank you!
Just wanted to follow up - were you able to get through to someone at KeyBank? If not, another trick I've heard works is calling right when they open in the morning. Their customer service opens at 8am EST Monday-Friday, and apparently the wait times are much shorter if you call right at 8.
I FINALLY got through! You were right about pressing 0 repeatedly - eventually it transferred me to a queue. Waited about 30 minutes but finally spoke to someone. Turns out there was a security hold on my account because of the larger withdrawal attempt last week, just like someone else mentioned might be happening. They removed the hold and said the money should be available within 24 hours. But I'm definitely switching to direct deposit after this nightmare. Thanks everyone for your help!
Update on my situation: I finally got through using Claimyr this morning. Turns out they flagged my account because I had started a part-time job but hadn't reported the exact hours correctly (I reported the income but messed up the dates). The agent was actually helpful and unfroze my account within minutes once I explained. My payment should arrive by Friday. Such a relief!
That's a huge relief! I'm glad you got it sorted out. I've been calling all morning with no luck, but I'm going to try that Claimyr service you mentioned. Did they explain why they didn't notify you before just cutting off your benefits?
Any update on your situation? Were you able to reach someone and get an explanation? For others reading this thread in the future, it's worth noting that NYSDOL now has specific requirements about reporting even the smallest amount of work or income during claim weeks. Missing even a few hours of part-time work can trigger an automatic forfeiture. The rules changed in late 2024 and they're being enforced more strictly in 2025.
Update: Finally got through today! Apparently they flagged my account for a "verification interview" but the notice went to my old address (even though I updated it in the system). Because I missed the interview, they automatically forfeited my benefits. The agent scheduled a new interview for next week and said my benefits should be reinstated if everything checks out. Thanks everyone for the support and advice - this forum has been a lifesaver during this stressful time!
Naila Gordon
To summarize for you and others with similar questions: 1. If your unemployment benefits were under $10,500 for 2025 (which yours are at $9,280), you qualify for the federal tax exemption. 2. This is NOT a payment or refund you receive now. It's an exemption when you file your 2025 taxes. 3. You still need to report all unemployment income on your tax return using information from Form 1099-G. 4. If unemployment was your only income and it's below the standard deduction amount (approximately $13,850 for single filers in 2025), you likely won't owe any federal income tax regardless. 5. New York State still taxes unemployment benefits, so you may still owe state taxes. 6. If you didn't have taxes withheld from your weekly payments, you might have a state tax bill when you file. Hope this clears things up for everyone!
0 coins
Cynthia Love
THIS is the kind of clear information the DOL should be giving out!!! WHY isn't this info on their website in plain language???
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Manny Lark
Thank you all for the helpful responses! I understand now that this isn't a separate payment but rather an exemption when I file my taxes. I'll make sure to update my address with NYSDOL so I get my 1099-G and will double-check everything when I file. Really appreciate everyone taking the time to explain!
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