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Can I see if IRS will deduct anything from my refund before it hits my bank account?

I filed my taxes in early April, and I got the notification that my return was accepted about a week later. When I checked Where's My Refund, it says my refund of $2,387 is approved and should be sent to my account in the next few days. I'm a bit worried because I have some old student loans I haven't been paying on for a while. I heard the Treasury Offset Program might take some of my refund, but I don't know how to find out before it hits my account. Is there anywhere I can check to see if they're gonna take some of my money before I get the deposit? I need to know cuz I already planned to use that money for some urgent bills.


You can call the Treasury Offset Program directly at 1-800-304-3107. It's an automated system that will tell you if you have any offsets and the amount. You'll need your social security number. This won't tell you exactly how much of your current refund will be taken, but it will confirm if you're subject to offset and for what debts. If you do have defaulted federal student loans, they likely will take a portion or all of your refund depending on how much you owe. The Bureau of Fiscal Service handles these offsets, and they'll send you a notice after they've processed it showing the original refund amount, the offset amount, and what you'll actually receive. If you need to make arrangements on those student loans, contact your loan servicer ASAP. Getting them out of default won't help for this refund if the offset is already in process, but it could prevent future offsets.

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Isabella Ferreira

Thank you! I called that number and it confirmed I have a student loan offset. At least now I know what to expect instead of being shocked when less money shows up.

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Ravi Kapoor

I went through this last year. They took my ENTIRE refund for old student loans. The worst part is they don't even tell you before it happens. Just suddenly less money 😭

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Freya Nielsen

If OP gets their loans into a rehabilitation program, next year's refund might be protected from offset. Worked for me!

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Omar Mahmoud

that number is clutch, used it for years. saves me the heart attack of expecting one amount and getting way less lol

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Chloe Harris

Just to add - they can also take it for back taxes, child support, and some state debts. Not just student loans.

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Diego Vargas

Using taxr.ai was a game-changer for me in this exact situation. I was worried about offsets too, and spent days trying to figure out what might happen to my refund. The tool analyzed my transcript and clearly showed what deductions would happen before I got my money. Saved me so much stress! It explained everything in normal english instead of IRS-speak. https://taxr.ai

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Omar Mahmoud

Sounds interesting. How exactly does it work? Does it just read your transcript or does it do more?

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Diego Vargas

It does way more than just read transcripts. It basically translates all the codes and numbers into plain english and shows you a timeline of what's happening with your return. It even highlighted potential issues I wouldn't have caught myself. Seriously the best tool I've found - saved me hours of googling random IRS codes.

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Omar Mahmoud

WOW! Just tried it and I'm absolutely blown away. It answered questions I didn't even know to ask! Forget spending hours on Reddit trying to piece together what might be happening with your taxes - this tool just TELLS you. Everyone dealing with tax issues needs to know about this!

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is this like an app or just a website? sounds too good to be true tbh

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Diego Vargas

It's a website. And I thought the same thing until I tried it. The amount of detail it provides about your tax situation is incredible. Even shows you what to expect next.

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Anastasia Popov

After weeks of trying to get through to the IRS, I used the Claimyr app and finally got a real person on the phone who explained my offset situation. They connected me to an agent who walked me through exactly what was happening with my refund and how much would be taken for my old student debt. Best part was not having to spend hours on hold! Found it at claimyr.com and it worked like a charm.

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Sean Murphy

how does it work? do they just call for you or something?

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Anastasia Popov

basically it navigates all those annoying IRS phone menus and waits on hold for you, then calls you when an actual human is on the line. saved me HOURS of my life, and the agent was able to tell me exactly how much was being offset from my refund

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Zara Khan

Does it actually work tho? I've tried calling the IRS like 50 times and always get that "call back later" message 🙄

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Anastasia Popov

Yes! That's exactly why I tried it - kept getting those stupid "we're too busy" messages. It was honestly the best decision I made. Worth every penny since I found out they were only taking half my refund instead of all of it!

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Luca Ferrari

Wait is this a real thing? The IRS phone system is literally the 9th circle of hell

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Nia Davis

I used it too after seeing it recommended here. Totally works. Had an agent on the phone within a couple hours when I'd been trying for WEEKS on my own.

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Mateo Martinez

If you have federal student loans in default, they can definitely take your refund. I've had this happen to me three years in a row now. If you're worried about it, you could try getting on a rehabilitation plan with your loan servicer, but that won't help for this year's refund if they've already processed the offset.

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Omg I went thru this exact problem. I was expecting $3k back and only got $843 😭 They took the rest for my defaulted student loans. The worst part was I had no warning until the smaller amount hit my account! You can call the TOP (Treasury Offset Program) at 1-800-304-3107 to see if you have any active offsets.

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Aisha Rahman

same here! was counting on that money for car repairs and suddenly BAM surprise you still owe for that degree you cant use!

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EXACTLY! And they don't even apply the full amount to your principal. Some goes to "fees" and interest. The whole system is designed to keep us in debt forever.

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Ethan Wilson

pro tip: they send a letter AFTER they take your money. super helpful, right? 🙄

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Yuki Sato

Nobodys said it yet, but when they DO take your refund, it doesnt even count as a normal payment. They take the whole thing for the offset but then only apply part of it to your principal loan balance. Rest goes to "collection fees" and interest. The whole system is rigged against us.

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Isabella Ferreira

Ugh this is so frustrating. So even if they take my whole refund, I'll still owe almost the same amount? That's just wrong.

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Yuki Sato

yep, welcome to america where debt is forever. when they took my refund last year, like 40% went to "collection costs" whatever tf that means

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Carmen Flores

If you're getting paper check instead of direct deposit, some people have had success with not cashing the check until you can quickly pay off enough of the debt. Not sure if it still works, but offsetting is usually linked to what address is on file with the servicer. Doesn't help with direct deposit tho.

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Andre Dubois

My ex had this happen and freaked out because we had allocated the refund for bills. Ended up getting a notice in the mail TWO WEEKS AFTER the reduced deposit hit. Super helpful timing, IRS! 👍

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I don't think theres any way to see the exact amount they're gonna take ahead of time. The TOP (Treasury Offset Phone number) will just tell you IF they'll take money, not exactly how much from this specific refund. It's a terrible system - they should be more transparent about it.

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Zoe Alexopoulos

I used taxr.ai and it actually showed my offset amount before it happened! Saved me from budgeting money I wasn't going to get. https://taxr.ai

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really? i'll have to check that out. would be nice to know ahead of time instead of getting surprised

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Jamal Carter

This literally happened to me last month! I was supposed to get $1790 back but they took $1100 for student loans. I only found out AFTER when I got a letter in the mail explaining the offset. Wish they'd tell us ahead of time so we can plan accordingly. So annoying.

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Mei Liu

The IRS is required to send you a notice, but they send it AFTER they've already taken your money 🤡 Most useful notice ever! It will show the original refund amount, what was taken, and why. But yeah, by then the damage is done.

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Liam O'Donnell

Lmaoooo for real! "We've already taken your money. Here's a piece of paper telling you what we did." Thanks for nothing! 🙃

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Amara Nwosu

You'd think in 2025 they'd have figured out how to notify people BEFORE taking their money... but nope.

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Check if you're in default on federal loans by logging into studentaid.gov - if you are, assume they'll take some or all of your refund. If you want an exact answer tho, you need to talk to an actual human at the IRS which is almost impossible unless you use something like Claimyr (claimyr.com) - it's the only way I could get someone on the phone.

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Giovanni Moretti

Just a heads up that they usually take the ENTIRE refund, not just a portion, if you owe on student loans. Don't count on getting any of it if you're in default. Source: happened to me 3 years in a row until I got on a rehabilitation plan.

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Isabella Ferreira

Well that's depressing news... I really needed that money. I guess I'll have to figure something else out.

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Fatima Al-Farsi

look into loan rehabilitation! after 9 months of payments they remove the default status and you're eligible for refunds again. saved my ass

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Dylan Cooper

If u want to kno FOR SURE, your only option is talking to an IRS agent. I spent 3 days trying to get through on the phone until I found a service that got me a callback within 2hrs. Agent confirmed exactly how much was being offset. Try claimyr.com - changed my life when dealing with these tax headaches

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Sofia Perez

Here's the thing no one tells you: once they start the offset process, it's already too late for this year's refund. You need to be proactive for NEXT year by getting on an income-driven repayment plan NOW. Check out r/studentloans for more advice on how to stop this from happening again.

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Dmitry Smirnov

you can call the automated TOP (Treasury Offset Program) system at 1-800-304-3107 for general info, but they won't tell u the exact amount they're taking from THIS SPECIFIC refund. thats the part that sucks

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Isabella Ferreira

Thanks for the number! It's frustrating they can't tell you the specifics, but at least I'll know if they're planning to take anything at all.

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Dmitry Smirnov

np! just be prepared it's all automated. no actual humans to ask questions to.

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When I went through this same situation last month I was going CRAZY trying to find answers! I eventually used https://taxr.ai which showed me my offset amount on my transcript before my refund was even processed. It turned what would have been a total surprise into something I could at least prepare for.

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Omar Mahmoud

Does it really work that well? Im in a similar situation and freaking out about my refund

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Yes! It breaks down your entire transcript and explains all those weird codes. Shows your offset amount and when it happened. Honestly the clearest information I've gotten through this whole process.

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Omar Mahmoud

THANK YOU for this suggestion. Just used it and finally understand what's happening with my return. This tool is incredible - showed me exactly when my offset happened and why. No more guessing or stressing!

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Ava Johnson

I been there... had $4200 refund and got $0 because of student loans. Here's what I wish someone told me: 1. They take it ALL not just some 2. You don't find out until after 3. The letter explaining comes weeks later 4. They apply like 60% to your loan, rest is "fees" 5. Next year file separate from spouse if married to protect their portion

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Isabella Ferreira

Thanks for the detailed info. The part about only 60% going to the loan is especially annoying. The system really is rigged.

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Miguel Diaz

Number 5 is KEY advice! Saved my wife's portion of our refund. File MFS if you have defaulted loans.

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Zainab Ahmed

My stepsister had this exact issue two months ago and couldn't get any answers from anyone. She finally broke down and used a calling service (claimyr.com) to get an actual IRS person on the phone. Turns out they were taking her entire refund for old student loans. At least knowing helped her adjust her budget instead of counting on money that wasn't coming.

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