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Does anyone know the address to send EDD Appeal Form? Thank you:

Tom Maxon

I found a way to solve EDD appeal form mailing address, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-3SR1Qib-I

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Leilani Gutierrez

Hi Margaret, I have this address: Employment Development Dept UI Center San Francisco P.O. Box 7013 San Francisco, CA 94120-7013 $5 discount for first time callers using https://join.claimyr.com/be256b

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Katie Lopez

Hi Margaret As far as I know, the Correct EDD appeal board mailing address is  2400 Venture Oaks Way, Sacramento, CA First time caller using   $5 discount link https://join.claimyr.com/49a083

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Leilani Gutierrez

That’s another address! :

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Katie Lopez

Oh really😊, sorry but generally people have mailed out this address.

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Leilani Gutierrez

No worries & yes - it’s an address given from a local assembly member to process an appeal.

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Leilani Gutierrez

Edd actually has SO many addresses is CRAZY, that’s why it’s so hard to keep up with their mail. Lol

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Ginny Silver

Incorrect - Mail you appeal to the address on your notice of determination - no other address - this is unique for each claim. Super important!

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Katie Lopez

Hi Ginny 😃 I thought her answer for this was not correct…

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Todd Brown

Neither answer was correct, Katie. Margaret will need to check the notice of determination she received for the correct address. This happens, it’s how we all learn. 😊

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Katie Lopez

Really? That’s the address on the appeal form DE1000M.  Okay then we will learn from this 😝 Margaret, please come back to update for us.

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Katie Lopez

Hmm. The address I provided earlier was the address of (kind of CA appeal board HQ) 2400 Venture Oaks Way, Sacramento, CA It is a final destination for all California unemployment appeal forms (and other) are gathered to put them to the system in order to assign a case number for hearing. Look at your appeal form letter to the address specified in your letter of determination. If there’s nothing, you can contact the offices for more info to double check to where to send out. https://cuiab.ca.gov/office-locations/ You may ask if appeal form can be mailed to directly Sacramento for faster processing or each city office should receive first then transfer Sacramento. This is provided from (appeal board HQ) for FAQ and I believe this will be helpful about appeal process. https://cuiab.ca.gov/frequently-asked-questions/#send Here appeal procedure guide from to get some idea https://cuiab.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/documents/cuiabAppealsProcedureManual.pdf

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Katie Lopez

This is where appeal board put that in their system to assign an appeal. https://cuiab.ca.gov/frequently-asked-questions/#send

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Katie Lopez

I gave HQ Edd appeal board() but your question where to send a form and other appeal concerns, go that site to read. 😘

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Ethel SloanBaker

I was calling unemployment insurance and got connected on numerous times to Disability Insurance. Never heard from unemployment. Finally decided to try calling and got thru. So can you please reverse the charges on my card since there was no connection.

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Leilani Gutierrez

Please contact support, bottom right corner.

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Marcus Hodge

hey Margaret did you do a reconsideration or and actual appeal?

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Mary Reed

The disqualification notice says to mail it to the address on the form but the only address on it is: UI Center Buena Park, P.O. Box 5007, Buena Park, CA 90622. Does this address seems correct to everyone?

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Katie Lopez

Hi, Mary.  You should mail it out to the address on your form you received. There’s an instruction page where to mail out. Edd has also a local (each city) office to review. What I know is local office reviews and collects all appeal letters to transfer HQ (

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Tom Maxon

Hi everyone, just made a video about how to call the EDD and reach a live human agent: https://youtu.be/-R4SqP7_JUA

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