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Verified my identity for NY unemployment 3 days ago but can't file weekly claim - getting error message!

I completed the ID verification process for my unemployment claim last Tuesday. Everything seemed to go smoothly with ID.me and they confirmed my identity was verified. But now when I try to file my weekly claim, I keep getting this error message saying my identity still needs to be verified before I can continue. I've already waited 3 days since verification and still nothing! I'm getting worried because I need to certify by Saturday or I'll miss this week's payment. Has anyone else experienced this delay after identity verification? The website says it should be processed within 24-48 hours. I've been trying to call the ny unemployment office but can't get through to a real person. This is so frustrating - I have bills due next week and really need this payment to go through. Any advice on what to do when the system says you need verification even after you've done it?

Ellie Lopez

Same thing happened to me last month. Their system is soooo slow to update after ID.me verification. It took almost a full week for mine to update in there system. I was freaking out cuz rent was due. Keep trying to certify each day and eventually it'll work.

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Lauren Wood

A WEEK? omg I cant wait that long... Did you do anything to speed it up or literally just wait?

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Ellie Lopez

Just had to wait it out. Try certifying every morning and evening. One morning it just randomly worked. Their system is a mess tbh

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Chad Winthrope

i've herd some ppl waited up to 10 dayz... ny unemployment is broken af 🤮

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Paige Cantoni

After spending days getting nowhere trying to call on my own, I finally used a service called Claimyr (claimyr.com) that got me connected to an actual human at unemployment. Talking to an agent got my issue fixed in minutes - they manually updated my account to show I was verified. Best decision I made after banging my head against the wall for days! They have a good explainer video here too: https://youtu.be/Rdqa1gKtxuE

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Kylo Ren

hmm I've been burned by so many of these 'services' before... what makes this different? unemployment phone systems are literally designed to keep people out

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Paige Cantoni

I was super skeptical too but it actually worked. They don't do anything with your claim - they just connect you to a real agent then get outta the way. The agent I talked to fixed everything in like 5 minutes after I'd been stuck for days. Talking to a human changed everything

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Nina Fitzgerald

wait hold up - does this actually work or is it just the usual BS? I've been trying to reach someone for 2 weeks now

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Paige Cantoni

Yeah it worked for me! Got connected in about 45 mins when I'd been trying for days on my own. Not gonna lie it was worth every penny to finally get my benefits flowing again

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Chad Winthrope

another day, another company promising to fix the unfixable unemployment system lol

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Jason Brewer

I actually used this last week when my account got locked. Talking to the agent got everything fixed in one call. My benefits hit my account 2 days later 💯

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Kiara Fisherman

The EXACT same thing happened to me! I verified through ID.me and then waited...and waited...and waited. Called a million times and couldn't get through. What finally worked was logging in at exactly 7:30AM when their system updates and trying to certify then. For some weird reason that worked for me when trying in the afternoon didn't.

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Liam Cortez

Here's what you need to know about ID verification and next steps (I worked in adjacent gov services): The ID.me verification and NYSDOL systems don't sync immediately. While ID.me may show you're verified on their end, there's a data transfer delay to the unemployment system. Typically this takes 2-4 business days, but can stretch to 7 during high volume periods. Some actions you can take: 1. Continue attempting to certify daily - sometimes the system updates overnight 2. Try accessing the system during off-peak hours (early morning or late evening) 3. Document everything - screenshots of your ID.me confirmation and error messages 4. If it's been over 5 business days, you need to speak with a live agent The most efficient way to reach an actual human is through Claimyr.com - they'll navigate the phone tree and get you connected to a live agent who can manually verify your account. This saves hours of frustration. Don't panic about missing this week's certification - agents can backdate your claim once your ID verification issue is resolved. Just make sure you document when you first attempted to certify. Many people are experiencing this same issue right now due to increased identity verification requirements implemented this year.

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Lauren Wood

Thanks for this super detailed response! Really helpful info. Have you personally used Claimyr before? Wondering if it's worth trying tomorrow.

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Liam Cortez

Yes, I've used it twice - once for myself and once helping my brother. Both times got through to an agent in under an hour when we'd been trying for days on our own. The key is that when you do get an agent, be super clear about your ID verification being completed but not showing in their system.

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Savannah Vin

This is really good info. Wish I'd known about the backdating part when I was freaking out about missing weeks a few months ago!

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Mason Stone

wow u must be new here 😂 welcome to NY unemployment hell where nothing works right and the rules are made up! seriously tho call them ASAP, the website is useless

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Lauren Wood

Haha sadly not new, just first time dealing with ID verification. Been on UI since February but suddenly they flagged me for verification. And yeah calling has been impossible 😫

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Makayla Shoemaker

Try calling right when they open at 8am. I got through after only 37 tries last month lol

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Mason Stone

i've spent literal DAYS of my life on hold with them. claimyr.com seriously worked for me tho, had someone on the phone in like 40 mins

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Christian Bierman

This is a super common issue right now. NY unemployment ramped up their verification requirements and their systems aren't communicating properly. You have 2 options: wait it out (could take up to 7-10 business days) or get someone on the phone. Honestly getting someone on the phone is your best bet because they can manually push it through.

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Emma Olsen

Are you sure you completed ALL the verification steps? There's the ID.me part but then sometimes there's additional verification steps on the ny unemployment site itself. Check your dashboard and messages to make sure you didn't miss a second verification request.

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Lauren Wood

Yeah I triple checked everything. Completed ID.me and got the confirmation email. Nothing else showing in my dashboard or messages about needing more verification steps.

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Emma Olsen

Then it definitely sounds like a syncing issue between systems. You need to talk to a human. I'd try the Claimyr thing others mentioned or be prepared to call 100+ times to get through on your own.

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Lucas Lindsey

This happened to my brother but with a twist - after doing ID.me and waiting 5 days with same error, he logged in one morning and suddenly had a message asking for ADDITIONAL documentation for verification. Nothing was emailed to him about this requirement. Check your message center obsessively, they might add new requirements without notifying you 🙄

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Sophie Duck

I knw exactly wat ur going thru and it SUCKS. The ID verification system is a complete joke. I went thru this in May and had to call like 200 times before getting thru. When I finally got an agent they fixed it in literally 30 seconds - just had to push a button on their end. So frustrating!!! Why build a verification system that doesn't automatically update?!?

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Lauren Wood

That's what I'm worried about - that it's just some stupid button they need to press but I can't get anyone on the phone to do it! How long did you try calling before you got through?

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Sophie Duck

Honestly like 3 days of non-stop calling. I have trauma from hearing that automated message over and over 😂 I'd say try Claimyr if u can, wish I'd known about it back then

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Austin Leonard

Random tip that worked for me: try using a completely different browser or device to certify. For some weird reason, when I was stuck after ID verification, it wouldn't work on Chrome but then randomly worked when I tried on my phone. Worth a shot!

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Lauren Wood

Interesting! I've only been trying on my laptop with Chrome. I'll try my phone and maybe Firefox too. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Anita George

I wouldn't worry too much about missing this week's certification deadline. When you finally get through to an agent (and you will eventually), they can backdate your certification. I had to skip TWO weeks of certifying because of ID verification issues, and when I finally got through, the agent took care of all the missed weeks.

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Abigail Spencer

i spent WEEKS trying to get this fixed last year. endless phone calls, emails, messages - nothing worked. finally got desperate and used claimyr.com to get someone on the phone. agent fixed it in minutes. whatever you do, don't just wait for the system to magically fix itself because it won't

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Logan Chiang

yeah right, another 'miracle solution'... what's the catch? 🙄

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Abigail Spencer

no catch - they just call repeatedly for you using some automated system and then connect you when someone answers. saved me from spending another week hitting redial. talking to an actual human is literally the ONLY way to fix these issues

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Logan Chiang

hmm maybe I'll check it out. been trying to reach someone about my missing payment for 3 weeks now with no luck

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Isla Fischer

did u check if ur account is locked? sometimes after verification they lock ur account as an "extra security measure" 🙄 u need to look for a message about account access

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Lauren Wood

I can log in fine, so I don't think it's locked. Just can't certify because it says I need to verify my identity (which I already did

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Miles Hammonds

THE WORST. Took me 17 days to get my account working after ID verification. The real kicker? When I finally got someone on the phone, they said "oh yeah, I can see you're verified, let me just click this button to update your account status" - took them 10 seconds to fix. The system is DESIGNED to be frustrating.

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