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NY unemployment confusion after part-time job training but not actually working yet

I teach at a community center and got recalled for the fall semester starting mid-October. Last week I completed about 16 hours of required unpaid prep training, but my actual paid work doesn't begin until October 18th. Now ny unemployment is throwing all these questions at me and I'm completely confused about how to answer. Nothing fits my situation! I selected one option but now I'm worried they think I'm fully employed again. I'm technically "hired" but won't see a paycheck until November! And when I do start, I'll only be getting about 40% of the hours I had before. Meanwhile my lease expired and my new place costs almost twice as much. I'm also in the process of getting a side gig as a delivery driver but haven't started that either since I still need to complete their training program. These next few unemployment payments would seriously help bridge the gap until paychecks start coming in. I thought you could collect while working part-time, but since I reported zero hours this week (because training was unpaid), the system seems to think I quit my job! What am I supposed to do? The questions they're asking don't match my situation at all.

Esteban Tate

You need to call them asap and explain. The online system is terrible with edge cases like yours. I went thru something similar when I took a training course before a seasonal job started.

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Alice Pierce

I've been trying to call for days!! No one picks up and I just get stuck in the automated system 😭

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Ivanna St. Pierre

try claimyr.com - it'll call for you and connect when an agent is on the line. best $$ i ever spent when i was in a similar mess

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Alice Pierce

Is that for real? Never heard of it before

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Ivanna St. Pierre

100% real. saved my sanity. they stay on hold for you and then call you when a human picks up. they have a video about how it works here: https://youtu.be/Rdqa1gKtxuE

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Elin Robinson

After months of getting nowhere with NY unemployment I finally found this service called Claimyr (claimyr.com) that got me connected to an actual human at the office. They handle all the calling and waiting on hold, then connect you when someone picks up. Once I talked to the agent they fixed everything in 10 minutes! Talking to a live person got my payments flowing again so fast. Check out how it works: https://youtu.be/Rdqa1gKtxuE

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Atticus Domingo

sounds like some sketchy service... does it actually work or just take your money?

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Elin Robinson

nah it's actually genius - they use a system that keeps redialing and stays on hold so you don't have to. when someone answers they call YOUR phone. it got me through after weeks of trying myself

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Beth Ford

hmm I've been burned by so many of these 'services' before... what makes this different?

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Elin Robinson

bc it's not trying to 'fix' your claim or anything sketchy. they literally just handle the phone call part - you still talk directly to unemployment yourself. they just get you past the impossible hold times

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Morita Montoya

I tried it last week and it worked! had been calling for 3 weeks straight with no luck before that 🙌

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Kingston Bellamy

When ur in training and not getting paid, your still considered unemployed. But the system isnt smart enough to know the difference. You have to talk to a person who can override the system and mark it correctly.

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Joy Olmedo

OMG I had the EXACT same situation last year! I did training for a school job but wasn't officially starting for weeks. What you need to do is report that you are PARTIALLY employed but with zero hours for those weeks. Don't report that you have a job and don't report that you don't have a job. When it asks you if you worked, say YES but then put 0 hours. There should be a notes/comments section where you explain you're in training but not paid yet.

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Alice Pierce

Thank you!! This is super helpful. I was so confused by the options. Will try this approach

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Joy Olmedo

No prob! The system is designed to confuse us I swear. If you mess up you might need to call to get it fixed. Took me 3 days of calling last time 🙄

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Isaiah Cross

Listen, the NY unemloyment system is a straight up DISASTER. It's not designed to handle normal human job situations at all. I went through something similar and FINALLY got it resolved after talking to an actual person. Here's what happened: Its all about the wording with them. You need to be crystal clear that you have ACCEPTED a position but have NOT STARTED WORKING yet. The training is preparatory but not actual work. You're still officially unemployed until you start the job and receive compensation. The questions they ask are designed for regular situations, not edge cases like yours. If you answer wrong, the system automatically cuts you off without understanding context. For anyone in this situation: 1. You need to speak to a real human at NYSDOL who can override the system 2. Be super clear about timelines - when you were offered job, when training happened, when actual paid work begins 3. Have paystubs/offer letters ready to prove your situation 4. Keep certifying even if payments stop - you'll get backpay once fixed 5. If you can't get through on the phone (which is likely), try claimyr.com - they'll handle the wait and connect you to an agent The system is genuinely terrible at handling anything that doesn't fit their narrow definitions of employment status. You absolutely CAN still collect until your actual paid work begins!

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Kiara Greene

This is all facts 💯 The system is designed to make us fail I swear

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Evelyn Kelly

did u really get back pay? they owe me 6 weeks and keep saying it's "pending review"

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Isaiah Cross

yeah but only after I talked to a rep. the online system will NEVER release backpay on its own

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Paloma Clark

if ur in training = not earning wages = still eligible 4 benefits. they just make it confusing so people give up. dont stop claiming!!! u need 2 talk to a real person tho cuz the system is stupid af

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Heather Tyson

This is why I gave up on unemployment. Too much headache to deal with their rules that make no sense.

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Raul Neal

don't give up!! that's what they want. they make it complicated hoping people will stop claiming what they're entitled to

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Heather Tyson

man I tried for 2 months. ended up taking a crap job just to have income.

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Jenna Sloan

The key is how they define "employment" - in NY unemployment's eyes, you're employed when you START EARNING WAGES, not when you accept a job or do unpaid training. Everything depends on when money changes hands. If you haven't been paid, you're technically still unemployed regardless of having a future start date. But their system doesn't recognize this nuance.

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Alice Pierce

That makes so much sense. So I should be able to claim until I actually start getting paid then?

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Jenna Sloan

Exactly. But you probably won't be able to get the system to understand this without talking to a person. The online portal is incredibly bad at handling these situations.

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Christian Burns

you did the right thing in my opinion. if ur not earning wages, ur unemployed, period. the system just sucks at understanding real-world situations 🤮

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Sasha Reese

Quick answer: Call them. Now let me tell you about my experience: I work seasonal jobs and go through this EXACT issue twice a year. The unemployment system basically has no concept of the gap between "hired" and "working AND getting paid." I've learned that you need to certify that you're still unemployed (because you actually are!) until you start receiving wages. But here's the thing - the system will flag you and potentially stop payments. The ONLY solution is to get a human on the phone who can correct it. Unfortunately this means calling repeatedly for days or using a service like Claimyr that will handle the calling and waiting for you. But once you reach someone, they can fix it in 5 minutes.

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Alice Pierce

Thanks for this - makes me feel better that I'm not crazy! What's this Claimyr thing? I've been trying to call for days

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Sasha Reese

claimyr.com - it calls for you and stays on hold, then connects you when an agent picks up. totally worth it to avoid the endless calling/waiting game

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Muhammad Hobbs

I'm going through EXACTLY this right now!!!! Did anyone figure it out??

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Noland Curtis

read the thread - call them, or use claimyr.com if you can't get through

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Diez Ellis

they always try to stop ur benefits any way they can. fight it!

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Vanessa Figueroa

Its a common problem. Technically your unemployed until you start work AND get paid. But the automated system doesn't understand nuance. I recommend being as accurate as possible and then requesting a callback to explain the situation when the system inevitably messes it up.

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Abby Marshall

Everyone saying "just call them" has apparently never tried calling NY unemployment 🤣 I spent 3 weeks trying before I found claimyr.com and finally got through. Worth every penny to get my issue fixed and payments flowing again!

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Sadie Benitez

another day, another company promising to fix the unfixable unemployment system lol

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Abby Marshall

bro they don't fix your unemployment, they just handle the calling part so you don't have to keep redialing and waiting on hold for hours. you still talk to the actual NY unemployment people yourself

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Sadie Benitez

ok but does it actually work tho?

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Abby Marshall

got me connected in 2 days after i spent weeks trying myself. so yeah it works lol

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Drew Hathaway

Ugh I know exactly what ur going through. The whole system is designed to confuse us. My advice is NEVER press the buttons that say you have returned to work until you've actually started GETTING PAID. Training doesn't count as employment in their system. But once you answer those questions wrong it's nearly impossible to fix online.

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Alice Pierce

I think that's where I messed up 😭 I pressed the button saying I returned to work because technically I did the training. But now I can't undo it

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Laila Prince

This is why the entire unemployment system needs to be rebuilt from scratch. It's not designed for how jobs actually work in 2023.

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Isabel Vega

The NY unemployment handbook actually addresses this! Page 23 says "Training that is required by an employer prior to actual work beginning is not considered work for unemployment insurance purposes." But good luck getting the automated system to understand that 😑

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Alice Pierce

OMG thank you! Is there a link to this handbook? I want to reference it when I call them

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Isabel Vega

https://dol.ny.gov/unemployment-insurance-claimant-handbook - download the PDF and check the section on "What constitutes work"

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Dominique Adams

I bet a million dollars that if you call and talk to an actual person, they'll fix it in 5 minutes. The problem is getting through to them...

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Marilyn Dixon

The way that I finally got through to someone at ny unemployment was using claimyr.com - it makes the calls for you and connects when an agent answers. Totally worth it after I wasted days trying to call myself.

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Louisa Ramirez

wait hold up - does this actually work or is it just the usual BS?

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Marilyn Dixon

it works. they dial for you and wait on hold, then call your phone when a human answers. saved me literally days of frustration

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