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Filed for appeal in NY unemployment system 6 weeks ago but still no response - what's the typical wait time?

After my benefits were suddenly denied in mid-August, I immediately requested a hearing with ny unemployment. This was around August 20th. It's now been almost 7 weeks and I haven't received any confirmation or scheduling for my hearing. I check my online account daily and call once a week but keep getting told 'your appeal is in process' with zero additional info. Has anyone else gone through the appeals process recently? How long did it take to actually get your hearing scheduled? I'm starting to worry my appeal request got lost somehow. My rent is due again soon and I'm running out of options.

Mateo Hernandez

Ugh same boat. I filed an appeal in September (the 5th I think) after they said I was supposedly overpaid by $3,400. Still waiting for ANY update whatsoever. The anxiety is killing me every day not knowing if they're going to try to take money I don't have. The entire ny unemployment system is designed to frustrate us into giving up.

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Exactly! It feels so designed to wear you down. Have you tried calling? I've called like 5 times and get a different non-answer every time.

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Mateo Hernandez

Called 3 times. First time they said 6-8 weeks. Second time 8-10 weeks. Third time they said they 'can't provide timeframes.' Super helpful 🙄

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Aisha Khan

they tell everyone different things. its like they literally make it up as they go along. i was told 12 weeks on monday 💀

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Ethan Taylor

After waiting on hold forever I finally got someone on the phone using Claimyr.com. Basically paid a service to wait on hold for me then connect me when an agent picked up. Got a real answer about my appeal - they told me appeals are taking 10-14 weeks right now because of backlog. At least I know what to expect now. My hearing is finally scheduled for next week after waiting 11 weeks total. Talking to an agent got things moving for me and was absolutely worth it after months of silence from them.

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Yuki Ito

wait what's claimyr? never heard of this. does it actually work? been trying to reach someone for weeks about my claim

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Ethan Taylor

Yeah it's a service that calls unemployment for you and stays on hold, then calls your phone when a human finally picks up. Check out this video about how it works: https://youtu.be/Rdqa1gKtxuE - talking to someone directly got my appeal scheduled after 11 weeks of silence.

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Carmen Lopez

sounds sketchy tbh. like how do u know its not some scam? unemployment issues bring out all the scammers

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Ethan Taylor

I was skeptical too but it's just a call service. They don't ask for any personal info - they just do the hold time for you. I was desperate after 2 months of no progress and it worked. Got my hearing scheduled and now I'm just prepping for it.

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My appeal took exactly 13 weeks from filing to getting a hearing date. Tried calling every number imaginable, sent emails, even contacted my state representative. Nothing worked until suddenly I got a letter in the mail with my hearing date. The whole system is broken beyond belief.

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Carmen Lopez

I filed an appeal back in JULY and just got my hearing scheduled for next week. That's over 16 weeks of waiting. NY unemployment is an absolute joke. When I finally got someone on the phone they told me they're "extremely backlogged" and that my appeal wasn't even assigned to a judge until last month. Prepare for a long wait and document EVERYTHING.

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16 weeks?! That's insane. Did you do anything that finally got them to schedule it or did it just happen?

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Carmen Lopez

Honestly, the only thing that seemed to work was contacting my state assembly person. Had to fill out a release form so they could inquire on my behalf. Got my hearing date 2 weeks after that.

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Thanks for the tip. Might have to try that route. Good luck with your hearing!

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Carmen Lopez

Just had my hearing yesterday. Judge was actually really fair. Overturned the denial! Now just waiting for backpay to process. Hang in there!

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Andre Dupont

I'm actually an employment attorney in NY and can tell you the appeal system is completely overwhelmed right now. My clients are waiting 12-16 weeks minimum for hearing dates. The dept keeps losing paperwork too. Make sure you have copies of EVERYTHING you send them. If possible, fax documents instead of uploading - they seem to process those faster for some reason.

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Thanks for the insider perspective! Is there anything specific I should prepare for the hearing when it eventually happens?

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Andre Dupont

Absolutely. Get all your employment dates/wages organized, have ready explanations for any gaps, bring copies of any communication with NYSDOL, and be prepared to clearly explain why you believe their determination was incorrect. Judges appreciate concise, fact-based presentations.

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Zoe Papanikolaou

is it worth hiring an attorney for an appeal hearing? or can most people handle it themselves?

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Andre Dupont

Depends on complexity. For standard qualification issues, most people can handle it themselves if well-prepared. For misconduct cases or complex wage disputes, representation helps. Either way, be organized and stick to facts, not emotions.

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Zoe Papanikolaou

Pro tip from someone who finally got through their appeal: Document EVERYTHING. Every call, every letter, every online message. When you call, get agent ID numbers. Take screenshots of your online account. At my hearing, the judge was actually impressed that I had better records than the department did! They decided in my favor partly because the unemployment office couldn't prove they had sent me certain notices they claimed they had.

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Smart approach! I've been taking notes of calls but haven't been getting agent IDs. Will definitely start doing that.

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Aisha Khan

Look I'm not trying to be negative but here's what happened to me: waited 14 weeks for appeal hearing. Hearing lasted 10 minutes. Judge barely let me talk. Denied. Had to appeal THAT decision which took another 8 weeks. Finally won but took 6 MORE weeks to get my money. This system is DESIGNED to make u give up. Don't.

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Oh man, that's brutal. I'm prepared for a fight but hoping it doesn't drag out that long. Did you have any documentation that helped with the second appeal?

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Aisha Khan

yep. emails from my former employer admitting they let me go due to downsizing NOT misconduct. first judge ignored it completely. second one actually read it. keep EVERYTHING.

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Jamal Wilson

The absolute fastest way to get movement on your appeal is calling and speaking to an actual human. I wasted 4 months trying their online system and getting nowhere. Finally tried claimyr.com after seeing it recommended here, and they got me connected to an agent who escalated my case. Hearing scheduled within 10 days after that call. Sometimes you just need to get past the automated systems and talk to a real person who can help.

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Mei Lin

how much does that service cost? feels wrong to have to pay money just to access a govt service we're entitled to

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Jamal Wilson

I hear ya on principle, but after losing thousands in benefits while waiting, paying to get someone on the phone was worth every penny. Got my case moving and my benefits approved. Best money I've spent considering how much it unlocked.

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Liam Fitzgerald

I've been trying to call for weeks but keep getting hung up on by their system! Does this claimyr thing actually work? I'm desperate at this point.

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Jamal Wilson

Yeah it worked for me. They basically call for you and stay on hold, then call your phone when a human picks up. Beats spending your whole day on hold just to get disconnected 😩 claimyr.com

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Mei Lin

i found out my appeal letter was sent to my OLD address even tho i updated my info online 😡 i only discovered this when i called for the 500th time. so defintely CALL to make sure they have your current info correct. ny unemployment is living in the stone age with their systems.

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Liam Fitzgerald

Ok heres what worked for me after waiting 11 weeks with no movement: Contact your STATE REPRESENTATIVE!!! They have special liaisons who work directly with unemployment office. My rep's office got my appeal scheduled within 2 weeks after I contacted them. Don't wait like I did!!

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That's really helpful, thanks! Did you just call your rep's office directly?

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Liam Fitzgerald

Yup! Called and explained situation. They emailed me a form to fill out giving permission for them to inquire about my case. Had to provide claim number and basic info. They handled the rest!

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I work for a different state agency (not unemployment) and wanted to share some insider perspective. The appeals unit is MASSIVELY understaffed right now. They lost a ton of experienced staff post-covid and the training for new judges takes months. They're literally years behind. My suggestion is to call using a service like claimyr.com (my cousin used it) to get a human on the phone who can check if your appeal was actually received and properly logged. Sometimes they get lost in the system.

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Really appreciate the insider info. Is there a specific department or unit I should ask for when I finally get someone on the phone?

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Ask specifically for the "Appeals Processing Unit" or "Hearing Section" - don't let them transfer you to general claims. And always get the name/ID of who you speak with. The system is so fragmented that documentation is your best friend.

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Amara Nnamani

Here's my full timeline for those curious: - Denied benefits June 8 - Filed appeal June 12 - Received acknowledgment letter July 20 (already over a month wait) - Called weekly from July-September (useless) - Used claimyr.com to finally get someone on phone Sept 10 - Agent escalated my case after I explained hardship - Hearing scheduled Sept 28 - Hearing held Oct 15 - Won appeal Oct 22 - Backpay received Nov 3 Total time: almost 5 months from denial to resolution. Ridiculous but at least I won.

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Thank you for sharing the detailed timeline! Helps me set expectations. Glad you eventually won your case!

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Amara Nnamani

No prob! One tip: when you eventually get your hearing, be SUPER organized. The judge who did mine specifically commented that he appreciated how prepared I was. I had all dates, documents and facts ready to go.

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Giovanni Mancini

Hot take: the appeals system is INTENTIONALLY slow. Think about it - the longer they delay hearings, the more people give up, the less money the state has to pay out. I've been through the process twice (won both times) and the delays are not an accident. They're a feature not a bug. 🤡

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Fatima Al-Suwaidi

100% this. I work in state government (not unemployment) and you would not BELIEVE the conversations that happen behind closed doors about 'managing outflow' which is code for making it hard to get benefits.

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Dylan Cooper

took the words right out my mouth. its all about the benjamins baby. they dont care about us at all

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Dylan Cooper

y'all talking about weeks... i waited SEVEN MONTHS for my appeal hearing 😭 kept calling every week until i found claimyr.com that got me to an actual human who fixed everything in ONE CALL. some agent had put a random fraud flag on my account for no reason and it was just sitting there all that time. talking to a real person was the only thing that worked.

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Seven months?! That's insane. Did they give you backpay for that whole period once it was resolved?

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Dylan Cooper

Eventually yes but it was ANOTHER fight. Had to call multiple times. They initially only gave me 3 months backpay claiming I didn't 'certify properly' for the other months even tho their system wouldn't LET me certify! 🤦‍♂️

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Sofia Morales

Everyone's talking about how to speed up getting a hearing date but here's what to do AFTER you get one: 1) Be insanely prepared with ALL documents 2) Practice explaining your case briefly (judges hate rambling) 3) Answer only what's asked - don't volunteer extra info 4) Be respectful even if judge seems hostile 5) If employer doesn't show up (common), don't get cocky - still present your case clearly 6) If you lose, immediately file appeal to next level Took me 3 months to get hearing but won because I was more prepared than employer.

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This is gold! Thank you! Did you have any specific documents that really helped your case?

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Sofia Morales

Employment contract, all email communications about my separation, performance reviews showing no issues, and a timeline document I created showing exactly when everything happened. The judge actually complimented how organized I was.

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something no one mentions: don't ignore the regular weekly certifications while waiting for appeal!!! keep doing them even if you're not getting paid. if you win the appeal and haven't been certifying, you can lose all that backpay! learned this the hard way 💸

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Omg thank you for this! I almost stopped certifying since I wasn't getting paid anyway. Going to make sure I keep up with it.

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