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Can't certify with NY unemployment though I still have days left before BYE date

I'm currently on regular unemployment and my benefit year end date is next February 2023. I still have about 6 effective days left in my claim but when I tried to certify this morning, the option to do so was completely gone from my account. I thought we were supposed to keep getting our regular benefits until the BYE date comes? Has anyone else run into this problem? I was counting on these last few payments to cover my bills while I'm still job hunting. Really confused and starting to panic since rent is due soon.

Ella Cofer

ya the same thing happened to me last week. My BYE isn't til January and I had like 5 days left but the option to certify just disappeared. Called them and they said my benefit rate was exhausted even tho the website showed I had days left. Such a broken system 🤦‍♂️

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Taylor To

Did you ever get it resolved? I don't understand how they can just cut us off when we still have days left.

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Ella Cofer

nope, they basically said once your money runs out thats it, even if you have days left. the days left is just the maximum you COULD claim if you had the money. stupid system if u ask me

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Kevin Bell

This is why I always screenshot everything when dealing with ny unemployment. Their system says one thing but they do another 🙄

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Savannah Glover

After weeks of not being able to get through to anyone, I tried a service called Claimyr (claimyr.com) and they got me a callback from an actual unemployment rep in like 40 minutes! Explained my situation about the missing certification option and they fixed it on the spot. Best money I've spent to get my benefits flowing again. They also have this helpful video that explains how it works: https://youtu.be/Rdqa1gKtxuE

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Felix Grigori

sounds sketchy af tbh. how do we know this isnt just another scam targeting desperate people?

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Savannah Glover

Not a scam at all. It literally just calls the unemployment line for you and connects you when a real person answers. Saved me from having to redial for hours. My issue got fixed the same day.

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Felicity Bud

wait so does this actually work? ive been trying to get through for 2 weeks now and im about to lose my mind

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Savannah Glover

Yeah it does. My roommate used it too when his claim got stuck in pending. They just keep calling until they get through, then call you when there's an agent on the line.

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Max Reyes

I've been on hold SO MANY TIMES only to get disconnected... this sounds like it could save me from throwing my phone out the window 😩

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Mikayla Davison

OK so I think I know what happened with your claim. The effective days left doesn't mean much if your MONETARY BENEFIT is exhausted. You get a certain dollar amount for your claim period. Once thats gone, you cant certify anymore even if u have effective days remaining. You can check ur payment history to see if you've reached your maximum benefit amount.

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Taylor To

That makes more sense, thanks. But I could have sworn I calculated this and should have had enough for those last days. Do you know if there's any way to appeal this?

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Mikayla Davison

You could try calling and asking for a monetary recalculation but honestly its really hard to reach anyone right now. Worth a shot tho

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Adrian Connor

This happened 2 me as well. The system is so confusing! You need to call them ASAP because it might be an error in there system. Don't wait because if its an error you might not get backpay for those missed weeks. Try early in the morning like 7:55am right when they open.

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Aisha Jackson

Let me tell you from experience dealing with ny unemployment - your effective days and your BYE date don't matter as much as your maximum benefit entitlement. Once you hit your maximum dollar amount (usually 26 times your weekly benefit), you're done until your BYE date passes and you can file a new claim (assuming you worked and earned enough in your base period). You probably just hit your maximum benefit amount. The system is designed to be confusing on purpose. Call them to confirm, but that's most likely it.

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Ryder Everingham

^^^^ THIS! I worked for NYSDOL before and this is 100% accurate. Once your $$ runs out, that's it until new BYE.

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Lilly Curtis

the whole UI system needs to be completely overhauled. its like they built it in 1995 and never updated it. every single person i know has had SOME kind of problem with it. but nobody in government cares enough to fix it smh

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Leo Simmons

Actually most of it WAS built in the 90s 😂 They use COBOL programming language which is ancient. They had to call retired programmers during covid to help update it!

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Lilly Curtis

that explains SO MUCH lmao. gotta love how the system that people depend on to literally survive is running on tech older than half the people using it 🤡

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Lindsey Fry

I had the EXACT same issue in April. Here's what you need to do: 1) First, check your payment history and see if you've received your full entitlement amount (it's usually 26 times your weekly benefit rate). 2) If you haven't received your full amount, there's definitely an error and you need to contact them ASAP. 3) Don't waste time with email - you need to speak to someone directly. The phone lines are absolutely swamped, but I used Claimyr.com and got through in less than an hour. Totally worth it! 4) When you get a rep, specifically ask them to check your "remaining balance" not just your effective days. The system sometimes mismatches these. 5) If they confirm you still have a balance, they can manually allow you to certify for the weeks you missed. Good luck! The NY unemployment system is unnecessarily complicated, but don't give up on getting what you're entitled to!

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Taylor To

Thank you so much for the detailed steps! I'll check my payment history right now.

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Saleem Vaziri

This is really helpful. I'm having a similar issue and was about to give up.

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Kayla Morgan

here we go again with the NY unemployment system showing it's true colors 😤 i swear they make it confusing on purpose to discourage people from getting their full benefits

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James Maki

Facts. The fewer people who successfully navigate the system, the less money they have to pay out. It's by design.

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Jasmine Hancock

yep and then they brag about how much money the state "saved" 🙄

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Cole Roush

I recomemnd just going to ur nearest career center in person. thats what i did when i had a similar issue. bring all ur documents and they can help u rite there. beat waiting on the phone for hours.

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Scarlett Forster

One time I lost my certification button and it was because they suspected fraud on my account (I hadn't done anything wrong). Maybe check if you have any messages in your inbox about additional verification needed?

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Taylor To

Just checked and don't see any messages like that. But maybe they forgot to send one? The whole system is so unpredictable.

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Arnav Bengali

if you have Twitter try messaging @NYSLabor - sometimes they respond faster there than on the phone. worth a shot! 🤷‍♀️

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Sayid Hassan

Did u try logging out and back in? Sometimes the site glitches. Also try using a different browser or clearing your cache. Basic IT stuff but it actually works sometimes with their janky website.

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Taylor To

Yeah I tried all that already. Even used my roommate's computer. Same issue 😫

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Rachel Tao

i was in ur exact situation a few months ago!!! the certification button disappeared with like 4 days left. after 3 days of calling nonstop, finally got through and they told me my effective days and weekly benefit amount don't always match up exactly. they had me certify over the phone for the days i had left. you DEFINITELY need to call them

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Derek Olson

How long were you on hold? I don't have time to waste on hold all day 😩

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Rachel Tao

omg forever. like 3+ hours each time i tried. finally got through on a wednesday morning around 8:30am

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Danielle Mays

Use claimyr.com - saves you from the hold times. They call and then connect you when someone answers.

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Roger Romero

Just to add some context - this is actually a common issue with unemployment systems across several states (not just NY). The system tracks both monetary entitlement AND effective days, and whichever runs out first is what matters. It sounds like you hit your maximum benefit amount before using all your effective days.

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Anna Kerber

My husband went thru something similar. He tried calling for days with no luck. Finally used Claimyr.com after seeing it recommended here, and they got him connected to a rep who fixed everything in 10 minutes. The rep told him the system sometimes automatically closes certifications when you're close to your maximum benefit amount even if you have a few dollars left. Worth checking out if you're struggling to get through on the phones.

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