Possible identity theft with my NY unemployment claim - someone filed in my name!
I just found out someone has been claiming unemployment benefits using my information since August! I only discovered this yesterday when I tried to file my own legitimate claim after being laid off from my restaurant job two weeks ago. When I logged into the portal, there was already an active claim that I never created. The system showed weekly certifications had been submitted since August 23rd with payments of around $490 going out regularly. I immediately froze the account and called the fraud department but kept getting disconnected. The payment address listed is somewhere in Buffalo - I've never even been to Buffalo! I checked my credit report and thankfully don't see any other suspicious activity, but I'm absolutely terrified about what other information this person might have. Has anyone dealt with something similar? How long did it take to resolve? I need to file my own legitimate claim ASAP since I have bills due next week.
Miguel Ramos
omg this happened to my cousin last yr! it took her like 3 months to get it straightened out. You need to file a police report ASAP and get a case number. Then call unemployment fraud dept everyday until u get thru. Document EVERYTHING. also freeze ur credit at all 3 agencies not just 1. these scammers usually hit everything at once.
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Ava Martinez
3 months?!? I can't wait that long... did she ever get her own benefits while they were investigating?
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Miguel Ramos
yeah she did eventually but it was a nightmare. she had to physically go to a unemployment office with like 10 different forms of ID. they made her verify everything twice
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I had to do this too! They wanted my birth certificate, passport, ss card, TWO bills with my address, and my tax returns. Crazy overkill but at least they're trying to stop the fraud I guess 🤷♀️
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Zainab Omar
After dealing with endless busy signals and disconnects with NY unemployment, I finally found a service called Claimyr (claimyr.com) that got me through to a real person. They basically wait on hold for you then call when an agent picks up. Talking to an actual human got my fraud case prioritized and I had my new claim approved within 10 days. Best money I've spent considering how fast my benefits started coming after that. They also have a YouTube video explaining how it works: https://youtu.be/Rdqa1gKtxuE
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Connor Gallagher
sounds sketchy af... why would I pay someone else to make a phone call? does this actually work?
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Zainab Omar
100% worked for me. I spent 2 weeks trying to call myself and never got through. After using them I got connected in like an hour. When ur desperate to get ur money, waiting on hold for days isn't an option
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Yara Sayegh
wait is this some kind of scam? seems too good to be true
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Zainab Omar
not a scam lol. they literally just call and wait on hold for you. have you ever tried calling unemployment? it's impossible to get through and they hang up on you after like 2 hours sometimes. this service just does the waiting part
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Keisha Johnson
I hate to say this but ur probably looking at 6-8 weeks minimum to fix this. Identity theft cases are backlogged like crazy. Call 877-ID-THEFT to make a report with the FTC too. And def file police report locally even tho they wont actually investigate. U need that report # for everything.
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Paolo Longo
THE EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME!!!! Someone in Rochester was collecting on my SSN for like 4 months before I even knew. I found out when I got a 1099-G tax form saying I collected $13k in benefits last year when I was working full time! It took 82 DAYS to resolve and get my identity back. PM me if u want - I have all the contact info and names of people who actually helped.
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Ava Martinez
Omg 82 days??? Did you have any bills covered during that time? I'm panicking about rent next month
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Paolo Longo
honestly it was hell. I had to borrow from family. the state doesnt care that ur starving while they investigate. definitely call 211 for emergency rent assistance in the meantime
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this happened to my brother too! he had to go to a food bank for 2 months while they sorted it out. the system is completely broken
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Amina Diallo
So heres what u need to do EXACTLY (I work in identity protection): 1) File police report locally AND with Buffalo PD where the payments are going 2) Contact all three credit bureaus and place a FRAUD ALERT not just a freeze 3) Call the FTC at 877-ID-THEFT 4) File IRS form 14039 Identity Theft Affidavit NOW even tho its not tax season 5) Send a notarized affidavit to NY unemployment fraud dept (CERTIFIED MAIL!!) 6) Change ALL passwords everywhere 7) Get a new drivers license with a new number if possible DO NOT wait on this. Identity theft is time sensitive! The NY unemployment office is actually decent about fraud cases if you get all your documentation in order. Also try claimyr.com to actually reach someone by phone - sitting on hold for 6 hours isn't realistic for most people.
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Ava Martinez
Thank you so much for this detailed list. I'm working through it now. Did you have personal experience with this situation?
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Amina Diallo
Yes unfortunately I had a client go through this exact scenario. The key is the notarized affidavit - without that they won't expedite anything. And definitely use certified mail so they can't claim they never received your documents
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Oliver Schulz
this is gold. saving this comment for reference. NY unemployment fraud is getting so bad lately
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Natasha Orlova
I know this sounds crazy but check your mail carefully. Often the scammers will try to intercept the debit card or any verification letters. My neighbor had her unemployment stolen and the person was actually taking mail from her box!
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Javier Cruz
this!! my mail was getting stolen for weeks before I realized it. set up USPS informed delivery so u can see whats supposed to be coming!
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Ava Martinez
Omg that's terrifying. I live in an apartment building with those cluster mailboxes in the lobby. Definitely going to check if anything looks tampered with
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Emma Wilson
When will the ny unemployment office fix their security??? This is happening to THOUSANDS of people. The state auditor issued a report last month saying the unemployment system lost over $11 billion to fraud since 2020. I'm convinced some of this is an inside job tbh
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Malik Thomas
Im so sorry ur dealing with this BS. The most important thing is to file ur own claim IN PERSON if possible. Bring all ur ID, SS card, birth certificate, everything. Tell them u need emergency processing due to fraud. They might make u fill out a DS-54 form to dispute the fraudulent claim. Make copies of EVERYTHING u submit to them!!
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Ava Martinez
I didn't realize you could file in person! Is there a specific office location I should go to?
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Malik Thomas
yep there are career centers that handle unemployment stuff. look up "NYS career center near me" - most are open 8:30-4:30 but get there EARLY like 7:30am and bring a book cuz the wait is crazy
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Check if ur employer is getting notices about this fake claim too!!! My company's HR told me someone filed in my name but I had no idea until they mentioned all these certification notices they kept getting. Might help ur case if ur employer can confirm they've been getting paperwork about a claim u never filed.
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Isabella Costa
whatever u do DO NOT try to certify for benefits until the fraud investigation is complete!!! it will mess everything up and they could accuse YOU of fraud. wait for them to clear the fake claim first, then file a new one.
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Ava Martinez
Oh no I already tried to certify once before I realized what was happening... am I in trouble now?
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Isabella Costa
probably not in trouble but its gonna complicate things. make sure u tell the fraud dept exactly what happened so they dont think ur trying to double dip or something
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Ravi Malhotra
This is why their system is such garbage. How would you even know NOT to certify?? They dont warn people about this anywhere. Its like they WANT us to mess up 🤦♀️
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Freya Christensen
this is gonna sound weird but check ur tax transcripts with the IRS too. I had someone file unemployment fraud AND tax return fraud with my info at the same time. its all connected.
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Omar Farouk
I also had my identity used for a fake claim during covid. After like 50 attempts to call, I used claimyr.com and actually got an agent on the line. They expedited my case when I sent in my ID docs. Still took 5 weeks but WAY better than the 3-6 months other people waited.
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Chloe Davis
5 weeks still sounds awful! did u have to survive with no income?
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Omar Farouk
yeah it sucked but honestly I was expecting worse after reading horror stories. once i got a human on the phone they atleast told me what was happening instead of leaving me in the dark
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I'd check if anyone else in ur household might have filed using ur info... hate to say it but family fraud is super common with unemployment claims. my roommate tried using my ssn cuz her work was under the table and she didnt qualify on her own 😡
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Ava Martinez
Definitely not anyone in my house - I live alone. And the address they used is in Buffalo which is hours away from me
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Diego Chavez
u can also reach out to ur state rep's office!! my senator's constituent services helped push my fraud case through when I was getting nowhere for WEEKS. they have special contacts at unemployment.
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Anastasia Smirnova
document EVERYTHING. dates, times, who u talk to, what they say. the unemployment office will try to say they never received ur stuff or that u never called. keep a paper trail of every interaction
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Ava Martinez
Good advice - I started a spreadsheet already to track everything. So frustrating that we have to be this organized just to get help
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Anastasia Smirnova
smart move. also record phone calls if ur in a one-party state. saved my butt when they tried to claim i never submitted verification docs
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Sean O'Brien
One suggestion that really helped me - contact ur bank and put a verbal password on ur account that's NOT tied to security questions someone might know. Also check if any address change requests have been submitted for any of ur accounts.
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Zara Shah
you can contact NY AG's office too - they have a specific division for unemployment fraud now because it got so bad. https://ag.ny.gov/consumer-frauds/Filing-a-Consumer-Complaint
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