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NY unemployment approved me 3 months ago but still haven't received any payments

Got approved for unemployment back in April and received a monetary determination letter saying I'd get $431 weekly. I've been claiming every single week for the past 12 weeks without fail, but haven't seen a single payment hit my account. Called the ny unemployment hotline at least 30 times but can never get through to an actual person - just endless automated messages. Sent 6 emails through their contact portal and haven't gotten any response except automated confirmations. My rent is due next week and I'm seriously running out of options. Anyone know how to actually reach someone who can help? The system keeps saying my claims are 'pending' with no explanation.

Aisha Abdullah

I went through this EXACT same thing last summer. Called 100+ times, claimed for weeks and weeks, nothing. I was about to give up when I found this service called Claimyr that got me through to an actual agent. Worth every penny because talking to a real person got my payments released within days. They call for you and connect you when a human picks up. Here's more info: https://youtu.be/Rdqa1gKtxuE and their site is claimyr.com

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Ethan Wilson

is this for real? ive tried everything to get through on that phone line for weeks

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Aisha Abdullah

100% worked for me. They basically automate the whole calling process. I wasted like 2 months trying to get through on my own before finding this.

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sounds too good to be true...another service promising the impossible 🙄

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Aisha Abdullah

I was skeptical too but I was desperate. talking to an agent got my $ unlocked so fast after months of nothing. wish I'd known about it sooner tbh

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Yuki Tanaka

wait hold up - does this actually work or is it just the usual BS? been trying to reach someone for my back pay for 5 weeks

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Aisha Abdullah

it was literally the only way I could talk to a live agent after weeks of trying. my payments started 2 days after the call.

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Carmen Diaz

The NY unemployment system is completely broken. I had to contact my state assembly person before anything happened with my claim. Their office has direct contacts at NYSDOL and can help push it through. Google your district and send them an email explaining your situation.

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Mateo Rodriguez

Thanks, I'll try that. Did you just email them or call their office?

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Carmen Diaz

I emailed first with all my info (name, address, claim details) and they called me back the next day. Took about 10 days total to get it fixed after that.

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Andre Laurent

I had the SAME EXACT ISSUE for 3 months! Turns out there was an identity verification hold that nobody told me about 😤 Check your message inbox on the portal (not email). When I finally got thru to a rep they told me my ID verification had failed and I needed to upload docs. Fixed in a week after that.

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Mateo Rodriguez

Checked my messages and there's nothing there - completely empty. But I'll definitely ask about identity verification when I get through to someone.

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Emily Jackson

Look seriously you need to wake up at 7:55am and start calling EXACTLY at 8:00am when they open. Hit 3-1-1-9 to bypass the menus. Keep doing it over and over. Took me 47 calls one morning but I got through and fixed my issue in 10 minutes.

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Liam Mendez

I tried this method for TWO WEEKS. Didnt work once. The phone system is rigged to disconnect you if too many people are waiting.

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Sophia Nguyen

This actually does work sometimes but you have to be insanely persistent. I got through on day 3 after like 80 calls.

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Emily Jackson

Trust me its all about timing. Monday and Tuesday mornings are the WORST times to call. Try Thursday at 8am sharp.

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Jacob Smithson

This happened to me in May. Check if your payment method is set up correctly in your online profile. My direct deposit info somehow got deleted and they were trying to send payments to a closed account. Once I updated it, all my backpay came within 3 days.

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Isabella Brown

Here's what worked for me with NY unemployment after 2 months of nothing: 1. Check your payment method is correct 2. Make sure you answered all certifying questions correctly (one wrong answer can put you in limbo) 3. Call RIGHT AT 8:00am and use the prompt shortcuts 4. If that fails, contact your state rep 5. As a last resort, services like claimyr.com can actually get you through to an agent My issue was I had accidentally said I was unavailable for work on ONE certification which flagged my whole claim. When I finally got someone on the phone they fixed it in minutes and I got all my backpay in 48 hours. The system is designed to be frustrating - they're hoping people give up. DON'T GIVE UP! Your money will come eventually.

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Mateo Rodriguez

Thanks for the detailed advice. I'll double check all my answers on my certifications to see if I messed something up.

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Maya Patel

This ⬆️⬆️⬆️ One wrong answer will completely halt everything. I selected 'yes' to 'did you refuse any work' because I turned down a part-time min wage job (I'm a laid off engineer) and my claim got frozen for 10 weeks.

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Aiden Rodríguez

lmao welcome to NY unemployment where the rules are made up and your claims don't matter 🤡 i waited FIVE MONTHS for mine

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Emma Garcia

FIVE MONTHS? Did you at least get all the backpay? I'm on month 3 and losing hope...

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Aiden Rodríguez

yeah eventually got it all but had to move back in with my parents while waiting. The system is designed to make you give up.

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Ava Kim

Same happened to me. 4 months waiting then suddenly $9000 dumped in my account one random Tuesday.

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Ethan Anderson

Do you have a Twitter? Tweet at @NYSLabor with your issue (don't include personal details). They actually respond to public complaints way faster than phone or email. Worked for me after weeks of trying the normal channels.

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Layla Mendes

Ok so there's one thing nobody is mentioning... sometimes NYSDOL puts claims on hold if they suspect fraud. If you've moved recently, changed banks, or worked in multiple states, this can trigger their system. You NEED to talk to a human to release it. I was in the same boat for 9 weeks before I used claimyr.com to finally get through. Agent told me my account was flagged for 'unusual activity' which was just me moving apartments 🤦‍♂️

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Mateo Rodriguez

I did actually move about 3 months ago and updated my address... that might be it. Did you have to provide any documentation to prove your move was legit?

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Layla Mendes

Yep - had to email them a copy of my lease. Once I did that and spoke to someone, payments started flowing within days including all backpay.

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Lucas Notre-Dame

y'all know NY unemployment is still using a system built in the 1980s right? 💀 My cousin works for the state (not DOL) and says they literally can't handle the volume of claims. Your application is probably sitting in digital limbo.

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Aria Park

this is true. My friend who works at a state agency said they're still running COBOL on mainframes from like 40 years ago 🤣

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Noah Ali

And yet somehow they manage to instantly know if you make a mistake on your weekly certification... funny how that works 🙄

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Chloe Boulanger

check if ur claim says "pending" or "processed". If it says pending for more than 3 weeks theres def an issue that needs a human to fix. if processed but no payment, check ur payment details

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James Martinez

After 11 weeks of getting nowhere with ny unemployment, I went nuclear - emailed the governor's office, my state senator, assembly person, and congressional rep all in the same day. Got a call from DOL within 48 hours. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

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Mateo Rodriguez

This is actually genius. I'm gonna try this approach tomorrow.

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Olivia Harris

i had a similar issue back in feb. Turned out someone else was claiming under my SSN in another state! took 3 months to sort out. there's a TON of unemployment fraud happening right now and innocent people get caught in the crossfire.

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Alexander Zeus

wait how did you figure this out? now I'm paranoid...

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Olivia Harris

I only found out when I finally got an agent on the phone. They said there was an interstate claim using my info. Had to file a police report and everything.

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Alicia Stern

I'm an accountant who's helped several clients with ny unemployment issues. Here's what I've learned: the DOL is severely understaffed and dealing with unprecedented fraud. 90% of these delays are due to automated fraud prevention holds that require manual review. The ONLY solution is getting through to a human agent who has authority to override these holds. Regular call center people often don't have this authority - you need a tier 2 specialist.

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Gabriel Graham

How do you get a tier 2 specialist specifically? The regular agents just tell me to wait...

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Alicia Stern

When you get a regular agent, specifically state "I believe my claim has a fraud hold that needs a specialist review." They usually transfer you. Don't take no for an answer.

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Don't give up! After 14 weeks of nothing I finally got all $6,900 of my backpay in one lump sum 💰 keep claiming every week even though it feels pointless. When they finally fix whatever is holding it up, you'll get everything owed.

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