2 coins
Do you expect your refund check? Have you checked your transcript? https://www.irs.gov/individuals/get-transcript It will tell your refund status. $5 discount link for first time call https://join.claimyr.com/49a083 & choose IRS
1 coin
If you think refund check is lost, call at 800-829-1954 (toll-free) and either use the automated system or speak with an agent https://www.irs.gov/faqs/irs-procedures/refund-inquiries/refund-inquiries-0
Brittany, I was wondering if you contacted them and got solved.
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To all those having trouble reaching a human at IRS. I just ran across this video that gave me a shortcut to reach a human. Hope it helps! https://youtu.be/_kiP6q8DX5c
0 coins
Katie Lopez
Do you expect your refund check? Have you checked your transcript? https://www.irs.gov/individuals/get-transcript It will tell your refund status. $5 discount link for first time call https://join.claimyr.com/49a083 & choose IRS
1 coin
Katie Lopez
If you think refund check is lost, call at 800-829-1954 () and either use the automated system or speak with an agent https://www.irs.gov/faqs/irs-procedures/refund-inquiries/refund-inquiries-0
1 coin
Katie Lopez
Brittany, I was wondering if you contacted them and got solved.
1 coin
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Tom Maxon
To all those having trouble reaching a human at IRS. I just ran across this video that gave me a shortcut to reach a human. Hope it helps! https://youtu.be/_kiP6q8DX5c
0 coins
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