I spoke to a this morning She said she would put in my backdate request. I just finished logging into my And my name has been changed to Jane doe dob 01/01/1920 And balance to zero$ This is insane. My and address remain on my account. Help any advice?..
Tom Maxon
I found a way to solve EDD info changed incorrectly, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1kN4Vik7UM
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Chris H
That sounds horrible… Because edd put your name wrong, you gotta speak to tier 2 or adjuster. Ask to transfer to them to your name. You may use $5 discount https://join.claimyr.com/e7ca05
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Ana Ramirez
My disappeared also 😔
1 coin
Ana Ramirez
My info was fine before I spoke to this morning.
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Chris H
That’s why some group of people is suing edd…I heard that on the media. I’m sorry to hear that happened to you but there is a way to fix. If I were you, I would speak to tier2 , an and assembly member, all three of them. It may immediately when you tomorrow or it maybe 🤔 a day or two days to be updated but. Let’s do this way. Yes. All depends on you. Just for future evidence, send to edd online to to of your name and write your in detail then edd to talk tier2, adjuster. After that, or assembly member. Hope it fixed immediately tomorrow when you call.
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Ana Ramirez
Thank you Chris
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Tom Maxon
To all those having trouble reaching a human at California Unemployment. I just ran across this video that gave me a shortcut to reach a human. Hope it helps! https://youtu.be/Ize0EkN4HDI
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