NY unemployment form confusion: which employer do they want listed?
Just got approved for unemployment benefits after being laid off from my full-time manufacturing job in September. Now I'm working part-time at a retail store (about 20 hours weekly) while looking for another full-time position. Got an email yesterday to complete some form, and they're asking about 'current employer information' but I'm confused. Should I list my previous full-time employer who laid me off, or my current part-time job? The form doesn't specify and I don't want to mess up my claim. Anyone dealt with this before? The instructions are super vague and I'm afraid of answering wrong and losing my benefits or getting flagged for review.
Ben Cooper
You always need to report your current employer. So that would be the part-time job. Your old employer is already in the system since thats why you originally qualified for benefits. Make sure you're reporting your part-time earnings each week too or they'll hit you with an overpayment later.
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Khalid Howes
Thanks for clearing that up! I've been reporting my weekly earnings but wasn't sure about this form since it popped up randomly.
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Naila Gordon
This is correct. Your part time job needs to be listed as current employer. And dont forget they reduce your weekly benefit amount based on your part time earnings.
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Cynthia Love
yeah and make sure u keep track of everything. They're notorious for saying u owe them $ back years later 🤮
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Darren Brooks
After banging my head against the wall trying to reach someone at ny unemployment for WEEKS, I found this service called Claimyr (claimyr.com) that got me a callback with an actual human agent! Talking to the rep got my issue sorted in one call. Best decision I made - they called and stayed on hold, then connected me when an agent picked up. Here's a video showing how it works: https://youtu.be/Rdqa1gKtxuE
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Rosie Harper
is this for real? im so tired of calling and never getting through
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Darren Brooks
100% real. I was skeptical too but I was desperate after calling for 3 weeks straight. The service connected me with an agent who fixed everything in like 10 minutes.
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Elliott luviBorBatman
sounds too good to be true... how does it even work?
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Darren Brooks
They basically call DOL for you and stay on hold, then when a real person picks up, they connect the call to your phone. Saved me hours of hold music and frustration.
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Demi Hall
hmm I've been burned by so many of these 'services' before... what makes this different? the unemployment system is basically designed to be impossible
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Darren Brooks
The difference is it actually works lol. Look at the reviews or the video. You get an actual callback with a live agent. It saved me weeks of stress and I got my benefits straightened out right away.
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Mateusius Townsend
I had this same confusion last month! You need to list your CURRENT employer (the part-time job). The form is asking about your current employment situation, not about who you filed your initial claim against. Make sure you're accurately reporting your part-time hours each week too.
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Kara Yoshida
You definitely need to put your current part-time employer. And make sure your certifying correctly each week. NY unemployment is so strict about this stuff, my friend got hit with a $3,400 overpayment notice because he didn't report some part time work correctly 😱
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Philip Cowan
omg thats terrifying! did your friend have to pay it all back?
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Kara Yoshida
Yep! They even garnished his wages when he got a new job. The system is brutal 🙄
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Khalid Howes
This is exactly what I'm afraid of... don't want to accidentally do something wrong and owe thousands later
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Caesar Grant
The NY unemployment system is an absolute DISASTER. I spent 3 months trying to fix an issue similar to yours. Here's what I learned: When they ask for current employer, they mean who is employing you RIGHT NOW, so your part-time job. Your previous employer info should already be in their system from your initial claim. If you're confused about any forms, I highly recommend getting an actual agent on the phone. Regular calls never worked for me - I wasted weeks trying. I finally used claimyr.com which got me a callback with a real person who fixed my issue in 5 minutes. Make sure you're certifying correctly each week and reporting all earnings from your part-time job. Even small mistakes can lead to overpayment notices later. Keep copies of EVERYTHING - screenshots of your submissions, confirmation numbers, etc. The system is notorious for "losing" information. If you start full-time work again, make sure you notify them immediately to stop your claim. Good luck! The system is frustrating but you'll get through it.
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Lena Schultz
This is solid advice. I wish I'd known about claimyr months ago, would have saved me so much time and stress!
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Gemma Andrews
for current employer ull want to list ur part time gig. theyr asking whos signing ur paycheck right now, not who you filed against originally
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Pedro Sawyer
ALWAYS. LIST. CURRENT. PART. TIME. JOB. Period. End of discussion.
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Mae Bennett
no need to yell bro 🙄
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Pedro Sawyer
not yelling, just emphasizing because getting this wrong can cost people thousands in overpayments later. seen it too many times
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Beatrice Marshall
I work at a place that deals with unemployment cases. List your current part-time employer! This is super important. Also make sure you're accurately reporting your hours worked and wages earned each week when you certify. The #1 reason people get hit with overpayment notices is incorrect reporting of part-time work.
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Melina Haruko
Is anyone else having trouble with the ny unemployment website lately? It keeps logging me out when I try to certify my weekly benefits. So frustrating!
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Dallas Villalobos
this isn't relevant to OPs question maybe start your own thread?
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Melina Haruko
it's related to unemployment forms which is what they're asking about. just wondering if there's a system issue.
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Reina Salazar
If you can, try calling them to confirm. I know it's nearly impossible to get through though. I spent weeks trying to reach someone until I found claimyr.com - it got me a callback with an actual rep who could answer my questions. Whatever you do, don't guess on these forms!
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Saanvi Krishnaswami
I ran into this exact problem! They want your CURRENT employer info (the part-time job). I got confused too and put my old employer - ended up causing a 6-week delay in my benefits while they sorted it out. Don't make the same mistake!
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Khalid Howes
Oh wow thanks for the warning! Definitely don't want to delay payments. Did you have to do anything special to fix it?
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Saanvi Krishnaswami
had to get on the phone with them which was a NIGHTMARE. took forever to reach someone. once i did tho they fixed it pretty quick.
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Demi Lagos
Has anyone else noticed that the NY unemployment system seems deliberately confusing? Like they make forms vague on purpose so people mess up and they can deny benefits? 🤔
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Mason Lopez
It's 100% designed that way. They're hoping people give up or make mistakes.
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Vera Visnjic
conspiracy theories much? 🙄 its not malicious, just outdated and understaffed
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Demi Lagos
call it what u want but the effect is the same - people not getting benefits they deserve
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Jake Sinclair
Make sure ur reporting ur part time income correctly too! They will check with the employer and if the numbers dont match up ur in trouble. I report my earnings down to the penny just to be safe.
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Brielle Johnson
They need info about your current part-time job. When I was in your situation, I tried calling for clarification but could never get through. I ended up using claimyr.com - they got me a callback with a real person who explained everything. Talking to an actual agent was the only way I got clear answers.
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Honorah King
when in doubt, call and ask! but good luck actually reaching anyone at ny unemployment lol 💀
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Oliver Brown
For real. I called 37 times in one day once and still couldn't get through
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Mary Bates
Try claimyr.com - only way I ever got someone on the phone
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