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Weekly Updates - Transcript Codes Changed But No 846 Yet (Accepted 1/16)

Hey y'all I have a question for the people who've experienced this too... I'm on the PATH Act and I received all my credits except the 846 code. My transcript updated last week and I was accepted 1/16 in the test batch for this season. My as-of date and processing date has changed from 2/10 to 2/17 to 2/24 but my process date stayed at 2/17 and I'm a weekly. Anyone else?? I need answers lol. This is my first time filing as head of household since the divorce, so I'm a bit paranoid about everything looking right.

Liam Fitzgerald

Here's what's happening with your return based on the dates you provided: 1. You were accepted on 1/16 which means you were in the early filing group 2. The PATH Act prevents refunds with certain credits from being issued before mid-February (this is normal) 3. Your processing date staying at 2/17 while your as-of date moves forward is actually a good sign 4. Weekly updates typically happen Thursday night/Friday morning 5. The changing as-of date usually means your return is moving through the verification process You should see the 846 code (refund issued) within the next 1-2 weekly cycles if everything continues normally. The fact that you have all your credits showing is very positive.

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This is spot on. Last year my as-of date jumped around like crazy too. I was convinced something was wrong, but then suddenly got my 846 code after my as-of date had changed three times. The most stressful part was seeing other people with later filing dates get their refunds before me!

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Amara Nnamani

I tracked this exact pattern across 126 posts in this community last tax season. Approximately 82% of filers who had their as-of date change 3+ times while processing date remained static received their 846 code within 14 days of the last as-of date change. The remaining 18% typically had verification issues that required additional documentation.

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Giovanni Mancini

Just to be clear - when they say you're a "weekly" it means your account gets updated once a week on the IRS cycle. Not everyone is on the same schedule. Some people are daily cycles and see more frequent updates.

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Fatima Al-Suwaidi

I'm wondering, did you possibly claim any additional credits this year that you didn't claim before? Sometimes, if you're claiming different credits than in previous years, it might trigger additional verification processes, which could possibly explain the changing dates without an 846 code yet.

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Dylan Cooper

Yes actually! This is my first time claiming head of household and I also claimed the Child Tax Credit since I have primary custody now. According to the IRS website, these changes in filing status and new credits can trigger additional verification, especially with the PATH Act protections. I've been checking the IRS2Go app and the Where's My Refund tool daily, but they just show the generic "still processing" message.

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Sofia Morales

Thanks for sharing that detail! That explains a lot about your situation. The change in filing status combined with the Child Tax Credit absolutely puts you in a different processing category. Appreciate you providing that context.

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TC 570 (additional account action pending) followed by TC 971 (notice issued) is the typical sequence for CTC verification. Once those clear, you'll see TC 571 (resolved additional account action) followed by TC 846 (refund issued). The interval between these codes is typically 7-21 days depending on verification requirements.

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Dmitry Ivanov

Haha, welcome to IRS limbo! I see this pattern ALL the time. The good news is you're probably just in the verification queue. The bad news is calling the IRS this time of year is like trying to win the lottery 😂 I got fed up with the constant busy signals last year and used Claimyr (https://youtu.be/_kiP6q8DX5c) to get through. They got me connected to an IRS agent in about 15 minutes when I'd been trying for days. The agent confirmed I was just in the verification queue for my CTC and nothing was wrong. Refund showed up about 10 days later. Might be worth the fee if you're really anxious about it.

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Ava Garcia

Is that service actually legit?? I've been trying to call for THREE DAYS and can't get through. I'm desperate but also worried about giving any info to a third party with my tax stuff...

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Miguel Silva

Have you checked whether your transcript shows any specific codes besides the missing 846? According to IRM 21.4.1, the presence of codes like 570 or 420 would indicate specific types of reviews that could explain your timeline. Also, did you receive any correspondence from the IRS regarding verification of your Child Tax Credit eligibility?

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Zainab Ismail

I think you're in pretty good shape compared to some situations I've seen. The community wisdom around here is that PATH Act returns with changing as-of dates but stable processing dates are usually just working through the system normally. In my experience (and I've filed PATH Act returns for 6 years now), the pattern you're describing typically resolves with a deposit 1-2 weeks after your last as-of date change. The real red flags would be if you saw a 570 code without a 571 resolution, or if your processing date started moving backward, or if you got a 9001 code (verification needed).

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Dylan Cooper

That's really reassuring to hear! I've been stressing about this more than I probably should. The divorce has me extra worried about everything financial this year.

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