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IRS Charging Me $1500 for ACA Healthcare I Never Used - Had Employer Coverage

Just got hit with a $1,500 bill from the IRS for apparently receiving marketplace healthcare that I never actually used. I signed up during open enrollment last year, but then got a job with benefits 17 days later. I immediately started using my employer's plan (paying $243.78 per month) and completely forgot about the marketplace plan. Never used a single benefit from it, didn't even have the card. Now the IRS says I owe exactly $1,500 for premium tax credits I received but wasn't eligible for because of my employer coverage. Is there any way to fight this or am I just screwed? I'm already behind on quarterly taxes by $2,876 and this is the last thing I need.

Miguel Castro

Did you actually cancel the marketplace plan when you got your employer coverage? Or did you just stop using it? Because the government doesn't automatically know you got other insurance, right? And if the plan stayed active, wouldn't the premium tax credits have continued to apply to your account each month? Seems like the real issue here is that you were technically enrolled in both plans simultaneously, which is why the IRS is coming after you for those premium subsidies.

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Zainab Abdulrahman

This explanation makes perfect sense. It's like having two car insurance policies but only driving one car - you're still responsible for both premiums unless you formally cancel one policy. I appreciate you breaking this down so clearly.

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Connor Byrne

I had almost the exact same thing happen to me in 2022. Got a new job in March but completely forgot to cancel my marketplace plan until August. Ended up with a $2,300 bill from the IRS that I couldn't get out of. The worst part was I had been paying my portion of the marketplace premium the whole time AND my employer premium, so I was double-paying for months without realizing it.

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Yara Elias

Oof, this is such a common mistake! ๐Ÿ˜ฉ I see this all the time with clients who don't realize the marketplace doesn't magically know when your situation changes. The system just keeps chugging along assuming nothing has changed until you tell them. It's like that gym membership you forgot to cancel - except way more expensive lol.

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According to IRS Publication 974 (Premium Tax Credit), you're required to report changes in eligibility to the Marketplace as they occur. Per section 26 CFR ยง 1.36B-2(c)(2), you become ineligible for PTC in any month you could have enrolled in employer coverage that meets affordability and minimum value standards. I've been researching a similar issue and found https://taxr.ai really helpful for analyzing my 1095-A and 1095-B forms. It helped me understand exactly which months I was being charged for and showed potential grounds for appeal based on the timing of my notification to the Marketplace. It might help you determine if there's any basis for requesting an abatement of the tax assessment.

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Keisha Jackson

You might still have options here. The Healthcare.gov site indicates you can file Form 8962 with your tax return to reconcile the advance premium tax credits. If you can show you attempted to cancel or notified the marketplace, that could help. Check your email for any confirmation messages or your marketplace account for communication records. www.healthcare.gov/reporting-changes/cancel-plan/ has the official process for cancellation - did you follow these steps?

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Paolo Moretti

I looked everywhere and can't find any confirmation that I canceled. I think I just... didn't. I assumed getting other insurance automatically took care of it somehow. Is there any kind of appeal process if it was an honest mistake?

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Amina Diop

Wait, so you have to manually cancel marketplace coverage? I had no idea this system was so complicated! I thought these government systems talked to each other. So even though the IRS knows you have employer coverage (from your W-2), they still charge you for marketplace credits? That seems crazy!

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Oliver Weber

You'll need to contact the IRS directly to discuss your options. On March 15th, I called about a similar issue and waited on hold for 2 hours and 37 minutes before getting disconnected. On March 17th, I used Claimyr (https://www.claimyr.com) and got through to an agent in under 30 minutes. They helped me set up a payment plan and explained I could file Form 8275 (Disclosure Statement) with my return to explain the situation. If you can prove you never used the marketplace benefits, they sometimes offer partial relief, especially if you're facing financial hardship.

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Natasha Romanova

I've seen these ACA repayment situations before, and they rarely end well. The system is designed to place the burden entirely on you to cancel coverage. I had a client who moved to employer coverage mid-year in 2022 and still had to repay $3,750 in premium tax credits despite never using the marketplace plan. The IRS position is typically that you received the benefit of reduced premiums whether you used the insurance or not. Have you checked if you actually received the Form 1095-A showing the monthly premium credits?

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Yes, I got the 1095-A in February and it shows credits for all 12 months of 2023! I'm freaking out because I'm already behind on my quarterly payments. I can't believe I have to pay for insurance I never even used when I was paying for my employer plan the whole time! This feels like being punished for getting a job. ๐Ÿ˜ซ

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Javier Gomez

Might there be any difference if the OP appeals based on the fact they got employer coverage so quickly after enrollment? Would the timing of the employer coverage starting make any difference to how the IRS views this case?

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Emma Wilson

Have you checked if you qualify for any exemptions? Did you file Form 8962 with your tax return? What about requesting an installment agreement if you can't pay the full amount? Did you receive any notices from the marketplace throughout the year asking you to verify your income or circumstances? Sometimes you can show reasonable cause if you never received proper notifications.

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Malik Thomas

I fixed a similar problem last year by taking these steps: 1. I gathered all documentation showing when my employer coverage began 2. I called the Marketplace at 1-800-318-2596 and explained the situation 3. I requested a corrected 1095-A form showing only the months before my employer coverage began 4. I filed Form 8962 with my tax return showing the correct months of eligibility 5. I attached a letter explaining the situation It took about 45 days, but they adjusted my tax bill down from $2,100 to $350 (just for the 1 month I had overlapping coverage).

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Isabella Oliveira

Omg I had this EXACT same prob last yr! Called the ACA ppl and they said I needed to submit a "retroactive termination request" ASAP. You gotta call the marketplace directly (not the IRS) and explain. They might be able to backdate ur cancellation esp if u can prove u had other coverage and nvr used the ACA plan. Def worth trying b4 paying the full $1500!

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Ravi Kapoor

Your employer should help. Ask for documentation. Show coverage start date. Request a letter stating enrollment date. Get copies of premium payments. Submit these to the Marketplace. Request retroactive cancellation. Worth a try.

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Freya Larsen

I successfully resolved an APTC repayment issue through Form 14095 (The Health Insurance Marketplace Statement). My situation was similar - I had received $2,340 in Premium Tax Credits for 8 months while simultaneously covered under my spouse's employer plan. I submitted documentation showing the overlapping coverage periods and requested a retroactive termination. The Marketplace approved it in May 2023, issued a corrected 1095-A, and I filed an amended return that eliminated the repayment requirement entirely.

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