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NY unemployment benefits released but not showing up in KeyBank account - anyone else waiting?

So frustrated with this KeyBank situation!!! My NY unemployment benefits were supposedly released on 4/17/2025 (shows as processed in my account) but here we are on 5/16 and STILL nothing in my KeyBank account. The online portal says benefits were transferred but my balance hasn't changed at all. This is a whole month of waiting!!! Anyone else having this problem right now? Did you ever get your money? I've got bills piling up and landlord breathing down my neck. Called the unemployment office 14 times today and can't get through to a real person. Not a happy camper right now!!!

Zara Malik

This seems to be happening to quite a few people this month. There's a processing delay between NYSDOL and KeyBank systems. When I called, a representative explained that some April transfers are stuck in a verification queue due to a system update KeyBank implemented in early April. They're working through the backlog, but it's taking longer than expected. If your payment shows as released in your NY.gov account but not in KeyBank, you should consider these steps: 1. Check if your KeyBank account is still active (they deactivate after long periods of inactivity) 2. Verify your claim wasn't flagged for any reason (this can hold payments) 3. Request a payment trace through your NY.gov account 4. Try contacting KeyBank directly at their customer service line Mine took about 3 weeks to appear, but it did eventually show up.

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Sean Kelly

Thank you for the info! My KeyBank account is definitely active (I used it last month no problem). I'm going to try the payment trace option right now. Did you have to do anything special to make yours go through or did it just randomly appear one day?

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Luca Greco

same thing here!! my payment from 4/17 is nowhere to be found. keybank is THE WORST. i called them and they said they cant even see any pending deposits. this is the third time this has happened to me since january. so sick of this!!

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Sean Kelly

It's so frustrating!! Have your previous missing payments eventually shown up? How long did it take? I'm starting to worry this money just disappeared into thin air.

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Luca Greco

yeah they did show up but took like 2-3 weeks each time. no explanation, just suddenly there one day. keep checking your account daily, hopefully shows up soon

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Nia Thompson

I've been helping several clients with this exact issue. There's currently a synchronization problem between NYSDOL and KeyBank that's affecting many claimants. The good news is that the money isn't lost - it's in a processing queue. To resolve this faster: 1. Document everything - take screenshots of your NY.gov account showing the released payment 2. File a formal inquiry through your NY.gov messaging center specifically about the missing transfer 3. Request a payment trace (as mentioned above) 4. If you need to speak with a representative urgently, I've had clients have success using Claimyr (claimyr.com) to get through the phone lines. There's a demonstration video at https://youtu.be/Rdqa1gKtxuE showing how it works. In most cases, the money appears within 3-4 weeks, but having documentation ready is important if you need to escalate the issue.

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Sean Kelly

Thank you for the detailed advice! I just took screenshots of everything. I'll check out that Claimyr service because I REALLY need to talk to someone. At this point I'm ready to try anything to get this resolved.

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Mateo Rodriguez

Mine finally came thru this morning! Was pending since 4/15 so almost same timeframe as yours. Keep checking! 🙏

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Sean Kelly

That gives me some hope! Did you do anything special to make it appear or did it just randomly show up?

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Mateo Rodriguez

Nope just randomly appeared! I had given up checking every 5 mins lol

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Aisha Hussain

I'm going through the EXACT same issue right now with KeyBank! My benefit was released on 4/18 and still nothing in my account as of today (5/16). I finally got through to someone at NYSDOL yesterday after using Claimyr to skip the phone queue (totally worth it when you're desperate). The agent confirmed there's a major backlog with KeyBank transfers right now. She told me that even though the system shows it as "released" on their end, there's basically a traffic jam between their system and KeyBank's. They're having to manually verify some transfers due to increased fraud prevention measures. Apparently about 30% of April's payments are affected. The agent put in an escalation ticket for me and said I should see the money within 7-10 business days. If you can't get through on the phone, try the secure messaging system on your NY.gov account and specifically ask for a "payment trace and escalation."

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Sean Kelly

Thank you so much for sharing! That's exactly my situation. Did you have to pay for that Claimyr service? I'm desperate to talk to someone but also short on cash since I haven't received my benefits.

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Aisha Hussain

Yes, there is a fee, but considering I was about to miss my car payment because of this delay, it was worth it for me. The alternative was spending hours on hold or getting disconnected repeatedly. I got through to a real person in about 17 minutes. They don't guarantee you'll get your issue resolved, just that you'll get through to someone.

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This happens EVERY TIME they do any kind of system update!!! KeyBank is notorious for these delays. I had this happen in January and had to switch to direct deposit to my regular bank account. Best decision ever!!!! If you're going to be on unemployment for a while, I highly recommend changing your payment method. Your money WILL come through eventually, but KeyBank is terrible about communicating these issues. They won't even admit there's a problem half the time. If you absolutely need that money right now, you can request an emergency payment through your local unemployment office (has to be in person), but they'll make you prove hardship like an eviction notice or utility shutoff warning.

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Sean Kelly

I didn't even know I could switch to direct deposit to my regular bank! That sounds SO much better. I'm definitely going to look into that once this current mess gets sorted out. Thanks for the tip!

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Ethan Brown

my cousin works at keybank (not in NY tho) and she said they had a major software update in april that messed up a lot of govt benefit transfers. something about verification protocols that got tightened. dont worry ur money is safe just stuck in digital limbo lol. but seriously she said they are fixing it batch by batch. hang in there!

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Sean Kelly

Thanks for the insider info! I feel a bit better knowing it's a known issue they're working on. Just wish they'd communicate better with us about these problems instead of leaving us in the dark.

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Zara Malik

UPDATE: For anyone still following this thread, NYSDOL just posted an official notice about the KeyBank delays on their website. They acknowledge the issue and state that all delayed April payments should be processed by May 24th. They're working with KeyBank to expedite the transfers and have added extra staff to handle inquiries. If you don't receive your payment by the 24th, they recommend filing a payment trace through your online account.

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Sean Kelly

THANK YOU for sharing this update!!! At least now we have an official timeline. May 24th isn't great but it's better than wondering if the money would ever show up. I'm marking my calendar and will definitely file that trace if nothing appears by then.

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Sean Kelly

UPDATE: My benefits FINALLY hit my KeyBank account this morning! It took exactly 32 days from when they were released. For anyone else waiting, hang in there - they do eventually come through. I'm definitely switching to direct deposit to my regular bank now though - never going through this stress again!

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Mateo Rodriguez

So happy for you!! Thanks for updating us!

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Aisha Hussain

Great news! Mine came through yesterday too. Definitely recommend that direct deposit switch - much more reliable.

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