Cornelius Cordell Roberts Jr


Candace W posted 4y ago

Have you guys received your PUA reconsideration ? Did you apply and did you read the fine print about it if you select this and you’re not selected your appeal process starts over?? 

Cornelius Cordell Roberts Jr commented 4y ago

Hey how are you ? So I filed in April of last year and it took another year “this April” for all my money to hit due to someone using my information for a job . It wasn’t me and I proved it so I got my back pay . They automatically signed me up for pua unemployment and my payments have stopped after 2 payments which was a couple of months ago , but my claim balance says $18,000 . Is there any way to get that

Candace W posted 4y ago

Have you guys received your PUA reconsideration ? Did you apply and did you read the fine print about it if you select this and you’re not selected your appeal process starts over?? 

Cornelius Cordell Roberts Jr commented 4y ago

Hey how are you ? So I filed in April of last year and it took another year “this April” for all my money to hit due to someone using my information for a job . It wasn’t me and I proved it so I got my back pay . They automatically signed me up for pua unemployment and my payments have stopped after 2 payments which was a couple of months ago , but my claim balance says $18,000 . Is there any way to get that